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draw arrow in equation by tikz Decorate equations with arrows using TikZ

How can I draw an arrow on a equation in Tikz by defining points? As in the example

Here is a starting code.



\node at (0,0) {$93  \stackrel{12}{\equiv} - 27 \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} \underbrace{-27 + \overbrace{3 \times 12}}_{9} \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} 9$};
\draw[->] (-.75,.5) -- (-.75,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,.75);

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draw arrow in equation by tikz

How can I draw an arrow on a equation in Tikz by defining points? As in the example.



\node at (0,0) {$93  \stackrel{12}{\equiv} - 27 \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} \underbrace{-27 + \overbrace{3 \times 12}}_{9} \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} 9$};
\draw[->] (-.75,.5) -- (-.75,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,.75);

enter image description here

Decorate equations with arrows using TikZ

How can I draw an arrow on a equation in Tikz by defining points?

Here is a starting code.



\node at (0,0) {$93  \stackrel{12}{\equiv} - 27 \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} \underbrace{-27 + \overbrace{3 \times 12}}_{9} \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} 9$};
\draw[->] (-.75,.5) -- (-.75,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,.75);

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draw arrow in equation by tikz

How can I draw an arrow on a equation in Tikz by defining points? As in the example.



\node at (0,0) {$93  \stackrel{12}{\equiv} - 27 \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} \underbrace{-27 + \overbrace{3 \times 12}}_{9} \Rightarrow 93 \stackrel{12}{\equiv} 9$};
\draw[->] (-.75,.5) -- (-.75,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,.75);

enter image description here