Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:APSIA (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 5
London School of Economics (edit)
Moscow State University (edit)
USC School of International Relations (edit)
National Foreign Affairs Training Center (edit)
Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center (edit)

Total: 80
ADA University (edit)
Al Akhawayn University (edit)
American University (edit)
Arizona State University (edit)
Austral University (Argentina) (edit)
Autonomous University of Barcelona (edit)
Balsillie School of International Affairs (edit)
Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (edit)
Baruch College (edit)
Boston University (edit)
Brandeis University (edit)
Carnegie Mellon University (edit)
Centre for International Governance Innovation (edit)
College of William & Mary (edit)
Columbia University (edit)
DePaul University (edit)
Duke University (edit)
Florida International University (edit)
Fordham University (edit)
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (edit) Stanford University centers and institutes (edit)
Fudan University (edit)
George Mason University (edit)
George Washington University (edit)
Georgetown University (edit)
Georgia Institute of Technology (edit) Georgia Tech (edit)
Harvard University (edit)
Johns Hopkins University (edit)
Marxe School of Public and International Affairs (edit)
Middlebury College (edit)
Monash University (edit)
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (edit)
Nanyang Technological University (edit)
National University of Singapore (edit)
New York University (edit)
Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (edit)
North Carolina State University (edit)
Open University of Catalonia (edit)
Pardee School of Global Studies (edit)
Penn State School of International Affairs (edit)
Pennsylvania State University (edit)
Pepperdine University (edit)
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (edit)
Pompeu Fabra University (edit)
Princeton University (edit)
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (edit)
San Francisco State University (edit)
Seton Hall University (edit)
Stanford University (edit)
Syracuse University (edit)
Texas A&M University (edit)
The University of Texas at Austin (edit) University of Texas at Austin (edit)
Thunderbird School of Global Management (edit)
Tufts University (edit)
Universidad Externado de Colombia (edit)
University of Barcelona (edit)
University of California, San Diego (edit)
University of Denver (edit)
University of Geneva (edit)
University of Georgia (edit)
University of Georgia School of Public and International Affairs (edit)
University of Maryland, College Park (edit)
University of Maryland School of Public Policy (edit)
University of Miami (edit)
University of Michigan (edit)
University of Minnesota (edit)
University of Oregon (edit)
University of Pittsburgh (edit)
University of Queensland (edit)
University of Southern California (edit)
University of Sydney (edit)
University of Toronto (edit)
University of Trento (edit)
University of Washington (edit)
University of Waterloo (edit)
Utsunomiya University (edit)
Wagner Graduate School of Public Service (edit)
Waseda University (edit)
Wilfrid Laurier University (edit)
Yale University (edit)
Yonsei University (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 12
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (edit) Walsh School of Foreign Service (edit)
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (edit) Stanford University centers and institutes (edit)
Georgia Institute of Technology (edit) Georgia Tech (edit)
Jackson Institute for Global Affairs (edit) Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs (edit)
John F. Kennedy School of Government (edit) Harvard Kennedy School (edit)
Munk School of Global Affairs (edit) Munk School (edit)
The Bush School of Government and Public Service (edit) Bush School of Government & Public Service (edit)
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (edit) Fletcher School at Tufts University (edit)
The Heller School for Social Policy and Management (edit) Heller School for Social Policy and Management (edit)
The University of Texas at Austin (edit) University of Texas at Austin (edit)
UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (edit) University of California, San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (edit)
University of Washington Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies (edit) Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies (edit)


Complete report...

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