
TechForge can solve your marketing challenges and drive your success.

Our goal is to influence your audience to react and interact with your value proposition. We offer a comprehensive suite of services and packages designed to amplify your brand’s presence and drive engagement. We stand apart as a trusted, leading voice in the tech industry, engaging with a highly targeted audience of 10M+ global enterprise technology professionals. We leverage our technology news publications and an engaged subscriber base to help you achieve your marketing goals. Our tech marketing solutions are centred around 5 core pillars:

Content Creation & Editorial

TechForge is a leading voice in tech. Our top-rated tech news publications are powerful platforms for your brand to connect with the world’s tech professionals. Leverage the expertise of our award winning editorial team to craft thought-leadership content and educate your target market about your value proposition, making sure your brand is an integral part of the conversation that shapes the future of tech.

Lead Generation

Our goal is to get you in front of your target audience. Tap into our global audience of over 10 million enterprise technology professionals, and we’ll generate targeted leads for your sales team and marketing funnel based on your ICP.

Advertising & Content Marketing

TechForge is your dedicated partner to help you influence your ICP. We’ll amplify your brand’s message and points you’re trying to communicate to your customers across our leading technology news publications, social channels and audience of 10m tech professionals.

Email Marketing & Social Amplification

Tap into our 10M+ social following and subscribed databases, plus 15M+ monthly reach of global enterprise technology professionals. Establish a strong brand positioning in the crowded IT space, boost your online presence, and get your products in front of your target market.

Tech Events & Webinars

We craft exceptional in-person and virtual events, bringing together IT decision-makers to engage directly with your brand. Position your company as a thought-leader through our bespoke events.

Solutions TechForge can solve your marketing challenges and drive your success. Our goal is to influence your audience to react and interact with your value proposition. We offer a comprehensive suite of services and packages designed to amplify your brand’s presence and drive engagement. We stand apart as a trusted, leading voice in the tech