Zero Trust

“Zero trust” is certainly a buzzword that gets freely thrown around in cybersecurity. But what does it actually mean?

Starting your journey to zero trust adoption

Twenty years from now, will we look back on this decade as a turning point in protecting and upholding individuals’ right to privacy, or will we still be saying, “Never…

20 years later, unchecked data collection is part of 9/11’s legacy

As companies try to navigate an ever-changing security landscape, it can be challenging to protect everything. Security startup TrueFort has built a zero trust solution focusing on protecting enterprise applications.…

TrueFort snares $30M Series B to expand zero trust application security solution

Illumio, a self-styled zero trust unicorn, has closed a $225 million Series F funding round at a $2.75 billion valuation.  The round was led by Thoma Bravo, which recently bought…

Zero trust unicorn Illumio closes $225M Series F led by Thoma Bravo

Jamf, the enterprise Apple device management company, announced that it was acquiring Wandera, a zero trust security startup, for $400 million at the market close today. Today’s purchase is the…

Jamf snags zero trust security startup Wandera for $400M

Google today announced that BeyondCorp Enterprise, the zero trust security platform modeled after how Google itself keeps its network safe without relying on a VPN, is now generally available. BeyondCorp…

Google’s BeyondCorp Enterprise security platform is now generally available

CISOs have shifted their roles quickly and dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic, but many have had to fight fires they never expected.

6 CISOs share their game plans for a post-pandemic world

Google Cloud announced some new identity tools today at Google Cloud Next designed to simplify identity Access Management within the context of the BeyondCorp Zero Trust security model. Zero Trust,…

Google Cloud unveils new identity tools based on Zero Trust framework