IP Bill

Civil liberties group Liberty has launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund a U.K. High Court challenge to the bulk powers contained within a new domestic surveillance law.

Liberty is crowdfunding a legal challenge to UK surveillance law

2016 has been a very good year to bury very bad news. And political distractions perhaps explain why a bill that has been described as the most extreme surveillance legislation…

Yes, the U.K. now has a law to log web users’ browsing behavior, hack devices and limit encryption

A controversial shoring up and expansion of state surveillance powers in the U.K. has been agreed upon by both houses of parliament, clearing the way for the formality of Royal…

UK parliament rubberstamps mass surveillance law

A controversial legislative framework that will strengthen and set in stone mass surveillance capabilities in the U.K. — including authorizing state agents to hack devices/services en masse and requiring ISPs…

UK heading towards era of parliament-approved mass surveillance

The U.K. government has agreed on an amendment to draft surveillance legislation aimed at strengthening the public perception of privacy safeguards by adding a statement of priority to the face…

U.K. gov’t agrees to foreground privacy statement in surveillance bill

The UK government’s independent reviewer of terrorism legislation has supported the inclusion of bulk collection powers contained within the controversial Investigatory Powers bill.

UK spy agencies’ use of mass surveillance backed by external reviewer

The European Court of Justice has issued a preliminary ruling on a data retention case brought by UK MPs and privacy rights groups seeking to challenge the government’s data retention…

Bulk data collection only lawful for fighting serious crime, says Europe’s top court

A former senior chief in the U.K.’s Met Police and now a Lib Dem peer in the House of Lords has warned about major risks to the privacy of web…

UK surveillance bill’s logging of web activity a huge risk to privacy, peers warn

A 2015 data breach of UK ISP TalkTalk should serve as a warning to the government that its proposed new surveillance legislation risks creating vulnerable pools of data that could…

UK surveillance bill under fire as data security risk

The official opposition Labour party in the UK has again called on the government to make changes to draft surveillance legislation to improve privacy safeguards.

More calls for privacy safeguards in UK surveillance legislation

While the Apple vs FBI court battle has drawn all eyes to the question of what should be considered ‘reasonable assistance’ for companies to provide law enforcement agencies, over in…

UK surveillance powers bill could force startups to bake in backdoors

Despite a trio of parliamentary committees criticizing the UK government’s draft surveillance legislation — and some committee members even calling for a complete rethink — the government is rushing ahead…

UK government pushing ahead with surveillance powers bill in face of strong criticism

A third UK parliamentary committee has now published a report on the government’s draft surveillance legislation. The report of the joint select committee, which is made up of a majority…

Third Committee Report Critical Of UK’s “Sloppy” Draft Surveillance Bill

One of the UK parliamentary committees that is scrutinizing proposed new surveillance legislation has published its report on the draft Investigatory Powers bill — and it makes for uncomfortable reading…

UK Surveillance Powers Bill Slammed For Privacy, Clarity And Targeting Failures

It’s not just TechCrunch saying it, now a UK parliamentary science and technology committee has warned the government needs to clarify the legal position around end-to-end encryption in its draft…

UK Gov’t Must Clarify Its Position On End-To-End Encryption, Says Parliamentary Committee

The U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office has criticized the draft Investigatory Powers bill, currently before parliament, warning about the risks of requiring communications service providers to weaken encryption, and also asserting…

UK Surveillance Bill A Risk To Data Security And Privacy, Says ICO

This year the U.K. has a historic opportunity to lead the world in creating a transparent legal framework for the operation of secret state surveillance powers. But there is a…

Risks And Red Lines As UK Prepares To Reforge Surveillance Law

Apple has submitted a formal statement to the bill committee working on a new complex and controversial surveillance law in the U.K., The Guardian reports. The submission was just released,…

Apple Opposes UK Surveillance Bill Over Encryption Concerns