Internet freedom

The Russian government has blocked another encrypted email provider, according to a Russian digital rights organization and the email provider. Last Wednesday, Roskomsvoboda, which describes itself as “the first Russian…

Russia is blocking encrypted email startup Skiff

Authoritarian governments from 21 countries have deliberately shut down internet service at least 50 times this year, and the problem is only bound to get worse.

Internet shutdowns are a political weapon. It’s time to disarm.

Access to the internet in Myanmar dropped sharply after the military detained leaders of ruling party National League for Democracy, including Aung San Suu Kyi, and declared a state of…

Internet connectivity drops in Myanmar after the military detains Aung San Suu Kyi and other leading politicians

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced it has banned 105 mobile apps for violating Chinese internet regulations. While almost all of the apps are made by Chinese developers, American…

Tripadvisor shares drop following China app ban

Auditors were not impressed by Facebook’s civil rights work, Tinder tests video chat and a new nasal spray could reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Here’s your Daily Crunch for…

Daily Crunch: Facebook faces blistering civil rights audit

Scott Salandy-Defour used to make frequent stops at a battery manufacturer in southern China for his energy startup based in Hong Kong. The appeal of Hong Kong, he said, is…

The tech industry comes to grips with Hong Kong’s national security law

Iran, one of the countries most strongly identified with the rise cyber terrorism and malicious hacking, appears now to be using an iron fist to turn on its own. The…

Iran shuts down country’s internet in the wake of fuel protests

A rise in social media surveillance, warrantless searches of travelers’ devices at the border and the continued spread of disinformation are among the reasons why the U.S. has declined in…

Disinformation ‘works better than censorship,’ warns internet freedom report

A number of popular “camgirl” sites have exposed millions of sex workers and users after the company running the sites left the back-end database unprotected. The sites, run by Barcelona-based…

A network of ‘camgirl’ sites exposed millions of users and sex workers

Singapore has passed a controversial bill that could equip the government with extensive powers to police online media and free speech. The bill was first drafted last month and, as…

Singapore passes controversial ‘fake news’ law which critics fear will stifle free speech

If you need a safe haven on the internet, where the pipes are open and the freedoms are plentiful — you might want to move to Estonia or Iceland. The…

US declines in internet freedom rankings, thanks to net neutrality repeal and fake news

Minds, a decentralized social network, has raised $6 million in Series A funding from Medici Ventures,’s venture arm. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne will join the Minds Board of Directors.…

Minds, the blockchain-based social network, grabs a $6M Series A

You wouldn’t normally mention Egypt and Thailand in the same breath. But both countries underwent military coups within the last five years, and even among the many oppressive regimes in the…

Egypt and Thailand:  When the military turns against free speech

Decentralization is the buzzword du jour. Everything – from our currencies to our databases – are supposed to exist, immutably, in this strange new world. And Bill Ottman wants to…

Minds aims to decentralize the social network

It’s been a bad few months for internet freedom in China (and really, a bad few decades, but who is counting?). The government brought into force a broad-ranging “cybersecurity law”…

As Cook and Pichai leave China, Valley confronts rising internet tyranny in world’s second largest market

Tech and the presidential race

For presidential nominee Donald Trump, the importance of articulating a vision for the tech industry seems to be lost. While nominee Hillary Clinton released a comprehensive technology policy platform that…

Tech and the presidential race

From Internet To Internets

Over the past few days, China has blocked access to servers required to use Gmail through its Great Firewall. Earlier this month, Spain passed a law that requires Google to…

From Internet To Internets

India’s Supreme Court has deferred hearing of a defamation case against the local unit of Google on whether it’s liable for offensive comments posted by a user on The…

Google’s Defamation Case In India Underscores Challenges In Ensuring Internet Freedom

Making Government Suck Less

Editor’s note: U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa has represented California’s 49th Congressional District in the House of Representatives since 2001. Follow him on Twitter��@DarrellIssa. On June 11, 2012, I went all in on…

Making Government Suck Less

In its new “Enemies of the Internet” report, the international watchdog group Reporters Without Borders depicts an Internet under unprecedented pressure from the world’s autocratic regimes. The study lists twelve…

Internet Freedom: Diplomats Join The Dissidents, Geeks And Censors

Twitter has taken fire in recent days from activists and bloggers who fear that the company’s new censorship policies will muffle online freedom. News reports recall the ways in which…

Twitter, Democracy, and Internet Freedom

Getting “Internet Freedom” Straight

What is Internet freedom? The United States government has an “Internet freedom” agenda, complete with speeches by the Secretary of State and millions of dollars in program funding. A key…

Getting “Internet Freedom” Straight