Jonathan Martinez


Jonathan Martinez is a former YouTuber, UC Berkeley alum and growth marketing nerd who’s helped scale Uber, Postmates, Chime and various startups.

Jonathan Martinez

Latest from Jonathan Martinez

In the early days of your startup, it’s important to be as efficient as possible, not only with this $10K budget, but also with your time.

How to spend your first $10K on paid ads

Your B2B leads will go to waste unless you begin to create lapsed buckets and develop a strategy to attack them head-on.

Your B2B leads are going to waste

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A growth framework for reaching $1M ARR

I do not pretend to have a silver bullet, but I do have a tried-and-true framework you can use to help you achieve your first million.

A growth framework for reaching $1M ARR

Hire experienced talent early, allocate 10% of revenue to marketing, and continue dividing team responsibilities as you scale.

5 growth lessons we learned while scaling from $2M to $3M ARR

With a sound strategy to convert your leads, you can be well on your way to a successful paid acquisition campaign.

Add a free e-book to your B2B paid acquisition efforts

The individual you’re looking for will create and execute growth strategies, manage marketing initiatives and ultimately, drive revenue.

How to identify, interview and hire a head of growth for an early-stage startup

By identifying your ideal customer personas first, you will find product-market fit faster and identify the right customers to sell to.

Don’t wait to identify your startup’s ideal customer personas

Thousands of startups have experimented with infinite variations and tweaks to their growth funnel. Why try to reinvent the same foundation?

The 3 stages of building world-class growth funnels

How can you find PMF in the most efficient and frictionless way possible? I argue that the answer to this question is paid acquisition.

Paid acquisition: The #1 way to find product-market fit

One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to UX is that we must eliminate as many questions and barriers as possible.

You need to add some friction to your growth funnel

Think of CRO as a grand supplement to all the other items the growth side rolls out in the early days of a startup.

CRO: Why startups should prioritize conversion rate optimization early

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Are you spending too much on paid acquisition?

Let’s examine when to start measuring diminishing returns and how to use a simple regression analysis to find optimal spending levels.

Are you spending too much on paid acquisition?

I’ll describe the type of data needed to make onboarding unique and will share some examples of how I’ve implemented this myself.

Your site needs more than just one user onboarding experience

The fact that influencers are shifting their strategies to shorter-form content is a clear signal for startups to follow suit.

3 ways to step up your short-form video and TikTok growth strategy

Learn from my mistakes: Stay hyperfocused on a few problems at a time, don’t overcomplicate things and get a trusted outsider’s opinion.

5 growth lessons I learned while scaling from $0 to $1M ARR

While trying to gain traction, most of your time and attention should be focused on imitating successful marketing tactics.

When it comes to early-stage growth marketing, it’s often better to imitate than innovate

A solid growth marketing team will be instrumental in driving your next phase of growth, so it’s worth putting some thought into building it.

Building a growth marketing team the right way

If you’re entering 2023 without a video content plan for your startup, you will be missing out on a significant resource for creating brand awareness and reaching more consumers.

4 video content tips for your startup’s growth marketing

Many people will assume that the important metrics for companies like Uber and Coinbase will be new riders and traders. They would be wrong.

Teach yourself growth marketing: Which metrics really matter?

Learn how to perform A/B tests, prioritize a list of tests, and run them with minimal external interference.

Teach yourself growth marketing: How to perform growth experimentation through A/B testing

In this third part of my five-part series, we’ll examine how to set up email marketing to push consumers through your funnel and drive conversions.

Teach yourself growth marketing: How to boot up an email marketing campaign

In part two of this five-part series, we’ll learn how to set up a paid acquisition channel that drives online traffic and conversions.

Teach yourself growth marketing: How to launch a paid acquisition channel

In part one of this five-part series, I will teach you how to set up a landing page that we’ll eventually drive consumer traffic to.

Teach yourself growth marketing: How to set up a landing page

There’s no such thing as hacking growth. Instead, you should be thinking about how you can run 100 tests to move the needle forward.

Growth hacking is really just growth testing

Think of activation as getting users to a point where you know for sure that they will stay for a longer period of time. Which metrics separate customers who find…

Why growth activation matters

You’ve managed to acquire a million users. Amazing. But if 999,999 of them don’t make it through the funnel, or churn, now that’s not so amazing.

To optimize for growth, study your down-funnel metrics

How does one build, scale and navigate the headwinds of a recession, especially as consumer behavior changes dramatically?

How to run growth marketing during a recession

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What to look for when hiring a growth marketing agency

The rapid expansion of the growth marketing industry has created a significant problem for startups looking to hire.

What to look for when hiring a growth marketing agency

Growth marketing isn’t the silver bullet to solving retention, but there are definitely some tactics that can be implemented to help improve it.

How to improve retention, growth marketing’s golden metric

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When and how to hire your startup’s first growth marketer

When hiring a head of Growth, you must keep an eye out for two critical traits: They must demonstrate that they are a generalist and already possess experience in the same or similar vertical.

When and how to hire your startup’s first growth marketer