Active Learning Classrooms

Active Learning Classrooms

Berkeley’s Active Learning classrooms (ALC) are teaching and learning spaces in the general assignment classroom pool that allow the instructor to customize the physical learning environment to meet pedagogical needs. In an ALC, the room design, flexible furniture, writing surfaces, and technology all support instructor efforts to engage their students in collaborative learning activities.  ALCs also facilitate diverse sizes and groupings of students, creating a flexible and supportive environment for a class to transition seamlessly between an instructor's presentation and active learning pedagogies like facilitated student group work.

The addition of ALCs to the Berkeley campus began a partnership between Educational Technology Services (ETS), the Office of the Registrar, and faculty across campus for a classroom pilot. The "Test Kitchen", as it was then called, was a space for instructors to test the principles of active learning including course pedagogy, teaching techniques, and space requirements with the assistance of instructional support staff. The goal of the project was to better understand how ALCs could be integrated at UC Berkeley.

In Fall 2015, the Office of the Registrar committed to supporting ALCs across campus, and five new General Assignment classrooms  became available to campus instructors.  A sixth classroom (Wheeler 212) became available in Fall 2018.

Requesting an Active Learning Classroom

Scheduling of Active Learning Classrooms (ALC) is a two-step process. 

Step 1. ONE TIME ONLY: Instructors are asked to submit a brief, one-time application and an optional course syllabus for priority registration into an ALC, based on pedagogical alignment. Applications accepted on a rolling basis. By submitting this application and receiving confirmation, you will be on the priority list for scheduling in an ALC. Once confirmation is received, an instructor remains on the priority list for future semesters. Please note that this application does not guarantee classroom assignment in an ALC and is not a requirement to request an ALC. ALC assignments are determined by the Office of the Registrar.

Step 2. Each semester, instructors should connect with their Department Scheduler to request an ALC for their course. Please use the following Google form for scheduling. As general assignment classrooms, the Office of the Registrar manages scheduling requests and assigns courses for the ALCs. For questions about scheduling, please reach out to

In addition, priority listed instructors should agree to the usage guidelines included in the application. The process and guidelines have been outlined by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Classroom Technology Services (CTS), with oversight provided by the Campus Committee on Classroom Policy and Management (CCCPM).

Available Classrooms

To date, there are six general assignment ALCs on campus:

Each physical space is designed with furniture and technology that are inviting and flexible, providing more substantive opportunities for instructors and students to engage actively in the teaching and learning process.

Active Learning Classrooms at Berkeley

Active Learning in Wheeler 212