Undergraduates & Graduates

Unique scientific curriculum and research opportunities to inspire and educate the next generation of innovators.

Academic Courses

Experts in high performance computing teach students of all fields of study apply theories learned in class on high performance computing and cloud systems.

> Academic Courses

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

Active engagement in solving real-world problems of national relevance with critical thinking, creativity, and reflection.

> REU Opportunities

STEM Research

Working on problem sets that require data science approaches and incorporate geographically, socially- and culturally-relevant research themes.

> STEM Research Partnerships

Advanced Computing for Social Change Institute

A weeklong program providing a national, undergraduate student data science experience. 

> More About the Institute

Frontera Fellowships

The Frontera fellowship program provides a year-long opportunity for talented graduate students to compute on the most powerful academic supercomputer in the world and collaborate with experts at TACC.

> Fellowship at a Glance

SCIPE AI in Civil Engineering

The SCIPE AI in Civil Engineering programs provide year-long and summer-long opportunities to develop advanced Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Infrastructure for applications in Civil Engineering.

> More About SCIPE