Obtaining an HAR file

Google Chrome
  • On Google Chrome, click on the three dots from the upper-right corner of the web browser.
  • Then, click on More tools > Developer Tools. The Developer Tools panel opens.
  • From the Developer panel, select the Network tab.
  • Click on the Preserve log checkbox.
  • Then, click on the Clear button. This is to start clean when reporting an issue.
  • Next, ensure that the Record button is read. Otherwise, click on the Record button if it’s grey.
  • Try to repeat the issue you have observed. The network activity will be recorded.
  • Once you have repeated the issue, right-click on the Network panel. A context menu will open.
  • From the context-menu, click on the Save all as HAR with content and save the file to your computer.
  • You may compress the HAR file to a zip file and attach to your email for our Support team.
  Mozilla Firefox
  • On Mozilla Firefox, click on the hamburger icon from the upper-right corner of the web browser.
  • Then, click on Web Developer > Toggle Tools. The Developer Tools panel opens.
  • From the Developer panel, click on the Network tab.
  • Next, click on the Persist log checkbox.
  • Then, ensure that the Record button is read. You may need to reload the page.
  • Next, click on the Clear button. This is to start clean when reporting an issue.
  • Try to repeat the issue you have observed. The network activity will be recorded.
  • Once you have repeated the issue, right-click on the Network panel. A context menu will open.
  • From the context-menu, click on the Save All as HAR and save the file to your computer.
  • You may compress the HAR file to a zip file and attach to your email for our Support team.
  Apple Safari Enable Apple Safari Develop menu Apple Safari includes a Develop menu that is disabled by default. The Develop menu provides additional tools in troubleshooting issues in the web player. Following this guide will help you enable the Develop menu from your web browser.
  • Start Apple Safari.
  • Click on the Safari menu and choose Preferences.
  • Click on the Advanced tab.
  • On the Advanced tab, click on the checkbox to Show Develop menu in menu bar.
  • Ensure that the Develop menu is visible between the Bookmarks and Window menus.
  • Then, close the Preferences window.
Proceed with the HAR file
  • On Apple Safari, click on the Develop menu.
  • Then, click on Show Web Inspector. The Developer panel opens.
  • From the Developer panel, click on the Network tab.
  • Ensure that the filter for All is selected.
  • Next, click the checkbox for Preserve Log.
  • Then, click on the Clear Network Items button.
  • Try to repeat the issue you have observed. The network activity will be recorded.
  • Once you have repeated the issue, click on the Export button on the top right in the window of the Network tab.
Microsoft Edge
  • On Microsoft Edge, click on the three dots icon from the upper-right corner of the web browser.
  • Then, click on More tools > Developer Tools. The Developer Tools panel opens.
  • From the Developer panel, click on the Network tab.
  • In the Content type filter, ensure that the All checkbox is selected.
  • Then, ensure that the Start Profiling session button is started.
  • Next, click on the Clear session button. This is to start clean when reporting an issue.
  • Try to repeat the issue you have observed. The network activity will be recorded.
  • Once you have repeated the issue, click on the Export as HAR button and save the file to your computer.
  • You may compress the HAR file to a zip file and attach to your email for our Support team.

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