Podcast artwork

The podcast artwork that Pocket Casts displays is supplied by the podcast authors.

To refresh a podcast’s artwork:

  1. Go to that podcast’s page
  2. Long press the podcast artwork
  3. Tap Refresh Artwork

To refresh the artwork for all podcasts you’re subscribed to:

  1. Tap Profile 
  2. Tap Settings ⚙️  
  3. Select Appearance
  4. Tap Refresh All Podcast Artwork 

Episode and Chapter Artwork

Some podcasts have per episode, and even per chapter, artwork embedded in their MP3s. If the artwork is embedded in the RSS feed it will not show. You can view this in the full screen player by turning on the following setting:

Profile > settings cog > Appearance > Use Embedded Artwork


Pocket Casts does not support custom artwork.

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