
Archiving is a great way to keep your feed clean and managed. It can be done without changing the podcast’s play status – unplayed, in progress, or played. Archiving an episode removes it from New Releases and In Progress, and you can choose whether to show or hide archived episodes on a podcast’s page.

You can find more information on Archiving in this blog post.

To manually archive an individual episode

  • Hover over any episode in a list, you’ll see an archive icon appear. Click that to archive the individual episode.

To manually archive episodes of a podcast in bulk

  • On a podcast’s page tap the three dot menu and select Archive All.
  • On a podcast’s page tap the three dot menu and select Archive All Played (this will only archive the episodes that are completely played or marked as played).

To show or hide archived episodes

  • Tap on the three dot menu and toggle Show Archived on or off.

Please note Show Archived is a global setting. When toggled on or off this applies to all podcasts you are subscribed to.


You can also auto archive played episodes for all podcast subscriptions from Settings > Auto Archive.


These settings are specific to the Web Player. They will not be synced with mobile apps’ settings. 

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