Trafficking workflow

Traffic campaigns in the Trafficking component of Campaign Manager 360. Use this guide for details on how to navigate, search, edit items, handle tags, and manage access.

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  • Advertiser: Click All advertisers from the account level to find and open an advertiser. You can set up your advertiser with details that affect its campaigns, such as uploading a shared creative library on the Creatives tab.

  • Campaign: Click All campaigns from the account level to find and open a campaign. You can view all the items in your campaign here.

  • Admin: Click Admin from the account level to manage account settings like user access.

Click an item's row in Campaign Manager 360 to view its properties. Check the columns for information on the item, such as status, assignments, run dates. Click the search bar for a menu of filters that narrow your items down to matching items and their assignments.

Edit items

Select items by clicking their checkboxes. Click the Status, Assignments, and Edit multiple buttons to make changes to your selected items. Or click directly into a row to make edits in-line (such as a name or start/end date change).

Edit items

Click any ad, creative, or placement to open the properties. Try the arrows in the upper right corner if you want to expand the properties pane.

Click Save to save your changes or click the x in the upper right corner to close your properties without saving.

Learn about manage ads, creatives, placements, and sites.

Edit campaign items in-line

Click any editable field in your campaign to type in changes. You can click Save or Cancel to save or discard changes. Or hit enter to save or esc to discard.

Once you have clicked into an editable field in your campaign, you can use the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to move to new fields. Hit enter to open a new field for in-line edits. Learn more about keyboard shortcuts below.

Edit multiple campaign items (change many rows at once)

Select rows in your campaign and click the Edit multiple button to make changes. You can change names, status, run dates, creative rotation weight, and other properties at the same time.

You can select all types of items (ads, creatives, and placements). Not every change has to apply to every row you select. For example, you can select ads and placements and enter changes for both the ad properties and the placement properties of your selection.

If you want to change assignment properties (rotation, run dates, etc.), pick a view in your campaign from the Views menu—such as the default "Summary" view—to ensure you can see assignment structures and select rows in the right places. If your change relates to creative rotation weight or creative group, select the creative under its assigned ad so that Campaign Manager 360 knows which ad-creative assignment to update. Likewise, if your change affects ad-placement assignment properties, select the ad under its assigned placement.

Learn more (for troubleshooting help, and detailed steps to complete common goals)

Edit status

Select ads, creatives, or placements and change their status in the Status menu. Deactivating an ad stops it from serving to a placement. Remember not to deactivate all your ads on a live placement: that can cause problems for the publisher.

Remember that if you change creative status, it changes everywhere, across all campaigns. So if you deactivate a creative, it will stop serving in all ads in your advertiser.

If you want to stop a creative from serving with a particular ad, just change its setting in the Include in rotation column (set it to NO to exclude it from creative rotation in the assigned ad). Learn more about status

Edit assignments

Select items in your campaign and click Assignments. Your items must be the same type and fit the same size placement. They also must be compatible with the same rendering environment (display, in-stream, etc.). Learn more

You can also replace creatives in your ads. Select creatives, click Replace creatives, and choose replacements. Campaign Manager 360 will remove your creatives from all the assigned ads and swap in your replacement creatives instead. Learn more

Edit landing pages
  1. First, make sure you have the right rows and columns showing in your campaign: Find the "Views" menu at the top of your campaign. Click Views > Customize views.

  2. Under "Hierarchy," enable "Ad," Creative," and "Exit event / click tag." Under "Basic properties," enable "Landing page." This way you can see which landing pages will be used for each item.

  3. Save your custom view (or just close the view menu).

  4. Look under the "Landing page" column in your campaign. Campaign Manager 360 shows you which landing pages will be used for each exit event or click tag when it serves with each ad. These landing pages may vary with each ad, depending on the ad settings.

  5. These are the landing pages that you ads will use when they deliver your creative. Click a landing page to change it.

    You have different options depending on the type of asset involved. Remember to check the tooltips next to your options to be sure which kind of change you're making. Learn more about your options

If you want to check which landing pages are set at the creative level: Click Views > Creatives and exit events / click tags. Campaign Manager 360 will show you the landing pages set in each creative.

Select multiple campaign items at once

Your campaign view lists your items in one long list. Scroll down to reach the bottom, or use the arrows on the upper right to skip ahead or back.

Select all items in your list: Click the very top checkbox on the upper left. This selects every row in your list. If your campaign has no filters, this will be every item in your campaign. But typically you'll have filters, and your list will only include some of the items in your campaign. So check the "Views" menu above your list to see what kinds of items your list includes. And check the search bar for search filters, such as status or name.

Select multiple items: Select items as your find them and keep scrolling down to see more results. It may be easier to just search for the items you want and select from the search results.

Import/export spreadsheets

The Campaign Manager 360 workflow has a spreadsheet format and is designed to eliminate the need for external spreadsheets. However, you can still click Import and Export to import or export a spreadsheet of your campaign. Changes you import with your spreadsheet will update your campaign in Campaign Manager 360. Learn more

You can also click Report for a CSV file of all the data shown in your current view of the campaign. This includes all items shown in the list on your campaign page. Unlike your campaign spreadsheet, the CSV cannot be edited.

Create items

Create ads, placements, or creatives

Click New to create placements, ads, or creatives. You can also batch upload third-party URL assets and creative assets from this menu, or add creatives from your advertiser.

Learn to create placements, create ads, or add creatives.

Create or copy a campaign

To create a new campaign, click All campaigns in the left menu and then click New.

Click Copy to create a copy of your campaign. The new campaign will have the same properties as the original, but creatives, ads, and placements are not copied. Learn more about campaign setup

Find items in Campaign Manager 360

Campaigns and advertisers can get very large and include many rows of items, including ads, creatives, and placements. Here are some tips:

  • Use the search bar and "Views" menu to narrow down your list.

  • You can scroll through up to 100 results on one page. For example, you can scroll through everything in your campaign or creatives in your advertiser. You can also use the previous page  and next page  buttons on the upper right to skip between groups of 100 rows.

  • Toggle between all and selected rows with the buttons on the upper left. Click All to show all rows. Click Selected to show only rows you select, plus their assignments (where applicable).

Learn more below.

How to use the search bar

Click the search bar to choose filters or enter names and IDs.

  • Filters narrow your rows down to matching items, plus their assignments. As soon as you click the search bar, you'll see a menu of filters to add.

  • Type a name or ID in the search bar to filter by items that contain the name or ID, plus their assignments. The names or IDs you enter are also filters, but instead of choosing them from the menu, you type them yourself. Names/IDs are the only thing you need to type into the search bar—everything else can be selected from the filter menu.

  • Campaign and placement tag download/send search bars only: Here you can search for multiple terms in a name, like [app tablet], exact string matches with quotes, and multiple IDs.

  • Campaign search bar only: Here you can search by the primary asset type of a creative. 

Your items have to match all the filters you add in order to appear, so the more filters you add, the narrower your results.

As noted above, when you filter items, Campaign Manager 360 always includes the context of their assigned ads, creatives, placements, etc. However, in your campaigns, you can choose which types of items you view in the "Column" menu.

Filter examples

  1. Say you click the search bar and add a "Start date" filter of 3/1/15 to 4/1/15.

    In this case, Campaign Manager 360 will only show you items with a start date somewhere between 3/1/15 and 4/1/15, plus their assignments. So you might see a creative with a 3/10/15 start date, plus its assigned ads and placements.

  2. What if you also enter soda in the search bar and then hit the enter key? In that case, you will have two filters: the start date range and the name.

    In this case, Campaign Manager 360 only shows items that have a matching start date and a name that contains the phrase "soda," plus their assignments. So you might see a creative with a 3/10/15 start date that is named soda345. But you would not see a creative named soda345 with a 2/1/15 start date, because 2/1/15 is not in the range you set (3/1/15 to 4/1/15).

How to use the views menu (campaign only)

Click the "Views" menu in your campaign. This allows you to select what types of rows and columns show up in your campaign.

Rows are for items, like ads and creatives. Columns are for item information, like start dates and landing pages.

  • Default views are basic organizations of your campaign, like "Creatives" (only show rows of creatives) or "Placements" (only show rows of placements).

  • Custom views are custom selections of rows and columns that you can name and save yourself. To create a new view, click Customize view, check or uncheck boxes, and save.

How to view only selected items (All vs. Selected)

On the upper left of your campaign, use the All/Selected toggle to narrow your view.

  • "All" shows all the items in your list.

  • "Selected" only shows the items you have selected—plus their assignments. Your selected items are highlighted and have checkmarks. Their assignments are shown in grey.

Nearly all list pages in Trafficking have the "All" vs. "Selected" toggle, but only your campaign view includes assigned items (because other pages, such as your advertiser tabs, don't manage assignments).


Let's look at some examples of how All vs. Selected works in your campaign view. Consider an ad that has several assigned creatives, a placement, and a site.

  • Select the "Summary" view and select the ad: "All" shows every item in your campaign. "Selected" shows the ad and its assigned creatives, placements, and site.

  • Select the "Ads" view and select the ad: "All" shows every ad in your campaign. "Selected" only shows the ad you selected. You will not see any of the assigned creatives or placements because your campaign view ("Ads") only includes one item type. It filters out the assigned items.

  • Select the "Ads and creatives" view and select the ad: "All" shows every ad and creative in your campaign. "Selected" only shows the ad your have selected, plus its assigned creatives. You will not see any of the assigned placements because your campaign view only includes ads and creatives.

About word search
Your computer's word search (e.g., ctrl-f or command-f) will not find a row unless it is displayed on your browser page.

In your campaign, this means that you must have scrolled down far enough that the row is shown somewhere on your browser page. For example, if you word-search for an item at the bottom of your campaign, your browser will not find it unless you scroll to the very bottom. Instead, try using the Campaign Manager 360 search bar to find items.

In other parts of Trafficking, such as your advertiser page or user profiles list, results are separated by Campaign Manager 360 pages. Your browser's word search will only find what is displayed on your current Campaign Manager 360 page.

Manage placement tags

You can use Campaign Manager 360 to download tags, email tags, or notify publishers about publisher-paid tags that they have to approve and access through their own system.

When your placements have the right ads and creatives, you're ready to generate tags. Click the Tags button in your campaign header to get started. It's on the upper right, next to the properties and import/export buttons.

Bulk tasks and shortcuts

Bulk tasks
Keyboard shortcuts

Select checkboxes

You can use your keyboard to cycle through rows and select checkboxes for any list of items in Campaign Manager 360.

To find out which row you are on, hit x. Campaign Manager 360 will select the checkbox of that row. (There is no other visual indication.)

  • j - Move up a row.

  • k - Move down a row.

  • x - Select or unselect a row's checkbox. As soon as you select a row, you can hit j or k to quickly move on to the next rows you want to select.

  • o - Open the properties of your row.

  • esc - Close the properties

Select and edit fields in your campaign

You can use your keyboard to select and edit fields in-line in any campaign.

  • Click into any editable field in your campaign.

  • Once you have clicked into a field, type in changes you need.

  • Hit enter to save or esc to discard your changes.

  • You can now use the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to move to other editable fields in your campaign.

  • Hit enter to make in-line edits to any field you select.

Import or export campaign data

  • Campaign spreadsheet: Click the Import or Export buttons to manage a spreadsheet of your entire campaign. You can make changes to many aspects of your campaign in this spreadsheet and then import the spreadsheet back into Campaign Manager 360. Learn how to edit the campaign spreadsheet

  • CSV of current view: Click the Report button to export a CSV of all the data currently displayed in your campaign. This data will change based on how you change your view and filter settings: i.e., the view you select in the "Views" menu and the filters you select by clicking the search bar. If a row or column is not visible, it will not appear in the CSV export. Note that you cannot import the CSV back into Campaign Manager 360; it is for informational purposes only.

Manage advertisers and access

To change advertiser and admin settings, click All advertisers or Admin in the left menu from the account level. These settings are not part of your campaign view. Learn more about advertiser or admin settings

View campaign performance

  • From within a campaign, click on a placement, ad, or creative. Click Performance (next to Properties) to see impressions and clicks for your selection (and the items that fall within it). 
  • From within a campaign, you can also see impressions and clicks for the last 30 days for each item in the table.

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