Custom statuses in Ticket Form Fields allows service desk admins to create new statuses for tickets that are relevant to their organizations. This would help to keep track of tickets and automate tasks based on the hours pending etc. 

With the ‘Hours since <custom status>’ condition in supervisor rules, you will be able to automate tasks based on how long a ticket has been pending in a custom status. This means that you can automate every aspect of your workflow and never stress again about missing out on a pending task. Let us discuss specific use cases of this feature. 

Approvals follow-up to Agents:

Whenever there is a ticket dependency or ticket waiting on others such as approval, this new feature could be used to send reminders to the right person. For example, if a service request approval is pending for more than ‘x’ hours, then a reminder mail could be sent to the agent to follow-up with the approver.

Awaiting requester response follow-up:

With this option, you will be able to follow up with end-users proactively by using Supervisor. You can send automated reminders to requesters on whom the ticket might be pending for more information.

Changing ticket status to specific value after X hours in specific status:


If an agent has marked the ticket as, let’s say, Pending with Vendor, a supervisor rule can be configured to remind the agent to check with the vendor or move the ticket status after specified hours.


How to set it up:

  • Log in to your Freshservice as an Administrator.
  • Go to Admin > Automation & Productivity > Automation > Supervisor Rules.
    If your account has more than one workspace: 

    To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > Automation & Productivity > Automation > Supervisor Rules

    To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > Automation & Productivity > Automation > Supervisor Rules

    Important Note:

    Workspace admins can view the list of global and local Supervisors applicable to their workspace. 

    The global Supervisors execute first, followed by the workspace-level Supervisors.

Heads up - The Supervisor rules trigger only on tickets that are last updated within the last 30 days.