Note: This legacy feature, Smart Article Suggestions, has been renamed Email Bot and will now be offered under the Freddy Self-Service category. It is in Beta and will be available on the Enterprise plan.

Whenever employees write an email to the service desk, they typically wait for an agent to pick up the ticket and resolve their issue. This process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, especially for email requests that typically have a longer waiting time.

Many of these emails involve issues employees could resolve if provided with the right information. By quickly redirecting users to a relevant help article, the load on your service desk drops dramatically, and employees get instant resolution.

Enter the Email Bot, a feature designed to deflect email queries by automatically responding with help articles that match the employee's request. By leveraging this capability, you can empower employees to get resolution faster and lighten the workload for your IT team.

What is an Email Bot?

Email Bot in Freshservice automatically suggests solution articles to employees based on the type of issue raised through emails. The feature uses machine learning techniques to identify and recommend solution articles that are more relevant to the issue raised. 

Where can you find it?

  • Navigate to Admin > Freddy AI > Freddy

  • Enable Email Bot toggle from under Freddy Self service category

How does it work?

1. An employee sends an email to the IT helpdesk, which is then routed to the organization’s Freshservice portal where it is created as a support ticket.

3. The Email bot immediately analyzes the newly created ticket using a machine learning algorithm to understand the issue described.

4. Based on the analysis, the Email bot automatically selects relevant solution articles that might help employees resolve their issues independently.

5. The links to the chosen solution articles are then added to the ticket acknowledgment email sent to the employee.

6. When employees clicks on a solution article link, they are directed to the solution article to follow the provided troubleshooting steps.


  1. Smart Article Suggester picks and adds a maximum of three solution articles to the acknowledgment email. 

  2. If you wish to add/remove the solution article suggestion from your email, head to Settings > Email Notification > Requester Notification > New Ticket Created, and add or remove the placeholder: {{solution_url}}. This placeholder will append the suggested articles to the ticket. If removed, no suggestions will be added.