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acgbox's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
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4 votes

Disk size shows the same after cloning a small disk to a larger disk

2 votes

what is the difference between eth1 and eno1?

1 vote

Cannot format USB flash drive, everything claims it's write protected

1 vote

How can I clone a hard drive directly to a vdi image

0 votes

What is the safest way to run sysprep and Remove-AppxPackage on Windows 10 so that it does not affect essential apps?

0 votes

how to starting Apache and MySQL automatically in UniServer Zero by command line

0 votes

configure iptables to block all(as much as possible) bittorrent traffic

0 votes

Add TomCat to XAMPP installation

0 votes

how to send shortcut to public desktop, with vbs

0 votes

batch file to restart WIndows 10 in safe mode with (or without) network?

0 votes

Access denied, cmd move windows 7

0 votes

Can't Uninstall External Hard Drive, and I Can't See it in Disk Management

0 votes

Using uBlock Origin, how do I block a root site without blocking sub-pages?

0 votes

How to delete a Thumbs.db:encryptable file

0 votes

Remove Adware from Installer.exe before Installation