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Rich Homolka's user avatar
Rich Homolka's user avatar
Rich Homolka
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Chicago, IL
399 votes

How can I make chown work recursively?

207 votes

Is there a modern browser that runs on Windows 3.1?

173 votes

How to pipe command output to other commands?

131 votes

What is the "wheel" user in macOS/OS X?

127 votes

How to use Terminal to delete all .svn folders recursively?

102 votes

What is the "Search Domains" field for in the tcp/ip DNS settings control panel/preference pane for?

86 votes

Check if any of the parameters to a bash script match a string

50 votes

Has CPU speed already broken Moore's law?

47 votes

Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile

42 votes

How can I wipe a broken hard disk drive before sending it back to the manufacturer for maintenance?

37 votes

Multiple standard input? How?

37 votes

Is there a hard limit of 65536 open TCP connections per IP address on linux?

35 votes

Where are Intel Itanium chips used?

35 votes

How to see the currently loaded shared objects in Linux?

32 votes

.profile not running when I start a bash terminal

31 votes

What is the difference between Pentium(number) and just Pentium?

27 votes

cron: run a process but only if it isnt running?

26 votes

Redirect strace to file

23 votes

Passing two arguments to a command using pipes

22 votes

Is there any way to answer a phone call using a dial-up modem?

21 votes

Find libraries a binary was linked against

21 votes

Is kernel a process?

21 votes

Output from rpm -qa, how to extract only the name of the package?

20 votes

What is the difference between the shutdown, halt and reboot commands?

20 votes

Does the root account always have UID/GID 0?

19 votes

Are .docx or .pdf files potentially dangerous?

19 votes

Bash not loading '.profile' in new session on Linux

17 votes

How do I find a file by filename in Mac OSX terminal?

17 votes

Why can't I delete a file where I have group write permissions on?

16 votes

How does Mac's command line compare to Linux?

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