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David Mackintosh's user avatar
David Mackintosh's user avatar
David Mackintosh
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
49 votes

How can I ping a range of IP addresses simultaneously

19 votes

How Many Unix Groups Can A User Be A Member Of?

19 votes

grep all .java files in a directory for a particular string

16 votes

How can I join two simple home networks together using an ethernet cable?

14 votes

Windows 7 Firewall services consuming all CPU

13 votes

Where's my Open-With gVim context menu option in Windows 7?

11 votes

RAID 0 performance gains?

9 votes

cron runs but nothing happens

8 votes

Untouchable File on Linux Server, Even Though Permission == 777

7 votes

What is the preferred way to access physical drives from VMware virtual machines?

7 votes

How to properly shutdown my CentOS VM

6 votes

What should I do when I first get an LCD to deal with any quality issues?

6 votes

What's behind the Linux disk naming convention with sdX and hdX?

5 votes

What good is the Scroll Lock key?

5 votes

What health and ergonomic factors should an all-day computer user take into account?

4 votes

Mutt configuration

4 votes

How to keep a Windows 7 laptop powered on (so I can remote desktop to it)

4 votes

What are the disadvantages (if any) of accessing the internet through two or more "chained" routers?

4 votes

Monitor out of Frequency

4 votes

CPU fan making noise

3 votes

Bash history loss when using histappend

3 votes

CentOS Dual-screen doesn't work

3 votes

Looking for an actual experience of RAID 5 2 drive failure?

3 votes

Is turning off hard disks harmful?

3 votes

What is cloud computing?

2 votes

What are the security issues of a computer connected directly to modem?

2 votes

Is there any way to run MS OUTLOOK 2007 on LINUX?

2 votes

Any good ftp client for a 9'' netbook?

2 votes

Preventing session timeout via ssh/bash/screen/etc?

2 votes

Can I re-attach SSH key forwarding through a disconnected Screen session?