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NetworkKingPin's user avatar
NetworkKingPin's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
38 votes

How can I find the IP address of a mapped Network drive in Windows 10?

22 votes

Windows 10: How to hide window without closing?

13 votes

Is it possible to restart a computer in response to an email notification?

12 votes

Stop Windows 10 calculator from asking me to rate it as an app

6 votes

How to disable and re-enable wireless network card in Fedora?

5 votes

Installing Windows 8.1 on a SSD

4 votes

How to remove annoying photo from skype desktop?

4 votes

Remote Desktop Services: start a program on connection within desktop environment

3 votes

How can I add an EXE to windows 10 All App list (without pinning to start menu)

3 votes

Keyboard shortcut for creating new file on Windows 7

3 votes

Randomly getting 'Request timed out' when pinging wireless router

3 votes

How to find out what service is consuming bandwidth in windows?

3 votes

Arrow Keys not working, can't access other OS in bootloader

3 votes

Device manager access for non admins

3 votes

Windows 10 printer works only after suspend cycle

3 votes

IP Address while using a VPN

3 votes

Change root shell without sudo

3 votes

Outlook: Creating a hotkey to open a search folder

3 votes

Remove Cortana from Taskbar but don't disable Cortana

2 votes

How to keep highlighted text in notepad ++ even if I restart my computer?

2 votes

Does booting from a LiveCD damage my files?

2 votes

Batch file to run programs as admin - error 740

2 votes

Proxy voip server to use ISP's VOIP service outside

2 votes

Win10 - add and remove icons from taskbar using regedit

2 votes

How to get the URL of a Chrome webapp which is shown as a desktop app?

2 votes

How can I disable power saving for all devices in Device Manager?

2 votes

Windows 10 keeps forgetting notification sounds

2 votes

Can DVD-R disks be used to create a boot disk?(linux iso)

1 vote

Stop Windows 10 search from running commands

1 vote

Comebine multiple shortcuts into one representing smybol / group pinned on the taskbar