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TOOGAM's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
111 votes

Why does "cd.." work in the Windows command line?

104 votes

How do websites block selecting text and how do I unblock that?

103 votes

Adjusting screen split pane sizes in tmux

40 votes

How to type the Euro Symbol € on US English keyboard in Windows 10 without a numpad or "AltGr" key?

38 votes

What is ::: in the Local Address of netstat output?

38 votes

Why is there a percent sign '%' in the IPv6 address?

34 votes

How to redirect/route IP address to another IP address?

32 votes

Why use "Cmd /c Powershell" instead of just "Powershell"?

29 votes

Are subnets always contiguous 1s?

27 votes

Why do operating systems have an option to shut down?

24 votes

What is the difference between PXE and Wake-on-LAN (WoL)?

24 votes

How do I find help for point command `.` in *nix?

19 votes

How to use a path with spaces in the batch file?

19 votes

dir C: vs dir C:\

18 votes

Why does assigning a variable with command substitution, and then echoing that variable, always fail?

16 votes

What is IPv4 Autoconfiguration and why it overwrites static IP

13 votes

Equivalent to ^D (in bash) for cmd.exe?

12 votes

Cannot Zip folder that is too deep in subfolders

11 votes

How can I use curl with ::1 for ipv6 based loopback?

10 votes

What is the difference and relationship between a process id and a port number?

9 votes

Does upload and download speed share Wi-Fi bandwidth?

9 votes

How do I track the progress of XCopy command while It's running?

9 votes

Change Windows sound volume via the command line

9 votes

What does a forward slash followed by a number mean in IP?

9 votes

What is the difference between adding a user to "sudoers" vs "root" group?

8 votes

SVCHOST.EXE is taking 90% of RAM

8 votes

difference between MBR and disk label

8 votes

How does an FTP client set file permissions on server?

8 votes

Why do modern computer cases still have USB 2.0 ports?

8 votes

Is it possible to use global IP addresses without internet?

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