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iSR5's user avatar
iSR5's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Little Rock, AR
22 votes

How create new partition on an unallocated space using diskpart?

10 votes

Windows update failing with error 80244007 "could not search for new updates"

5 votes

Can we use external hard disk as Internal

4 votes

Batch update multiple PDFs meta data

4 votes

BSOD on Windows 7 even on a fresh install

4 votes

Windows 10 Anniversary update: Search bar doesn't work after update

3 votes

How to restore a computer to a saved state on boot up?

3 votes

Plugged HD power the wrong way, how to recover data?

3 votes

Gigabit Ethernet switch from 1Gbps to 100Mbps back and forth

3 votes

Will upgrading to Windows 10 make my caveman PC any faster?

3 votes

New build shuts down randomly - insufficient power?

2 votes

Screen is turned off at boot

2 votes

Fix invalid link targets after changing drive letter of 'Program Files' folder

2 votes

MsiExec uninstall issue

2 votes

Where is "Shared with me" in the new google drive layout?

2 votes

All program files on a different drive

2 votes

Video card for my motherboard

1 vote

How to associate visual studio 2012 with SQL files in Windows 8?

1 vote

Get filenames from directory path or .txt file - Windows

1 vote

Fully manual virus scans on Windows 10

1 vote

Preview second screen in main one

1 vote

Creating a storage space or server from multiple laptop HDDs

1 vote

Excel 2010 Legend key color based on text

1 vote

Skype microphone not working, Surface Pro 3

1 vote

Excel: Create conditional format when values different

1 vote

The PC runs very slow even after a clean format

1 vote

External hard drive not showing up, but both USB and drive are fine. Solved, but unclear what the issue was

1 vote

Windows 8: How much bad blocks are there in USB flash drive?

1 vote

PC restarts randomly for unknown reasons. Possibly hardware issue. What could be wrong?

1 vote

Moving Files Slow Even With SSD