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Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
Mehper C. Palavuzlar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
142 votes

How to search for ? (question mark) in Excel

131 votes

Purpose of a "mystery key" on an IBM PC 3270 keyboard

98 votes

How to remove the print preview lines in Excel 2010?

90 votes

Are there solutions that can limit the CPU usage of a process?

67 votes

How do I hide the path in command line prompt on Windows?

66 votes

Find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows

58 votes

Difference between ia64 and x64

53 votes

How to change the background color of a single page in Word 2010?

50 votes

Tab key in Microsoft Word does not increase indent in bullet lists

50 votes

Is there a command to find out the available memory in Windows?

49 votes

What the heck have I done to my Excel sheet (and how to undo it)?

47 votes

What is the difference between chkdsk /f and chkdsk /r?

40 votes

What's the difference between intranet, extranet and internet?

39 votes

Where are the standard Windows prompt commands files?

35 votes

What search utilities can search by file name in Windows 7?

35 votes

How can I get the product keys for software on my PC?

35 votes

How can I rename files and folders in Windows that are in use?

35 votes

How to convert Word (doc) to PDF in linux?

32 votes

Excel: how to undo in current file only?

30 votes

What is the style used for visited hyperlink in MS Word?

27 votes

Merging two cells in multiple rows

25 votes

How to see a list of all installed Firefox extensions and export it?

25 votes

How do I split a large WinRAR file using WinRAR?

24 votes

Undo send email in Outlook

23 votes

How to properly merge two tables in MS Word

23 votes

Powerpoint: how to insert document property (aka 'field') in slide?

22 votes

How can I tag the bookmarks in Chrome?

22 votes

How to disable address bar search option in Firefox

21 votes

How do I extract a list of Windows services and their status to a text file?

21 votes

How to ignore spelling and grammar for certain text styles in Word 2007

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