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KeithB's user avatar
KeithB's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • Blacksburg, VA
4 votes

What's the Bash command recent files?

4 votes

Why does an alias work in the Terminal, but not when called from a script?

4 votes

Does signal strength affect aircard bandwidth?

4 votes

How can I restrict RAM usage for a particular user or process?

3 votes

Mac OS X: can I install/uninstall software for one user only?

3 votes

Find most recently modified file in a directory

3 votes

Apple / Mac OS X - Is there a Package Manager like Linux

3 votes

Console to monitor hookup

3 votes

Speeding up OS X boot times on a year old MBP

3 votes

How to copy files to an untrusted computer?

3 votes

Sync a Palm Centro with a bad screen?

3 votes

3-4 old computers = general purpose cluster?

3 votes

Can I use coated ink jet paper for printing with a color laser printer?

3 votes

emacs keybinding

3 votes

Even after formatting and clean-installing OS X, my iMac still keeps the old computer name (kind of)

3 votes

In tcsh, how do I disable spelling correction of my command?

3 votes

How to display SVN revision on front page of multi-file LaTeX document?

3 votes

Security concern-- prevent root user from editing log files (/var/log/*)

2 votes

Amazon S3 - To Backup or Not to Backup

2 votes

'less' doesn't clear screen after quit

2 votes

How to get linux to stop asking "There are # rows, list them anyway? [n/y]" for auto-completing

2 votes

Removing Java from OS X Lion

2 votes

What is a

2 votes

How to boot an MBP from an external HD?

2 votes

How do you transfer a file from a local Mac to a remote Linux machine

2 votes

svn checkout mac os x

2 votes

What alternatives to SSH do GNU users use?

2 votes

Unix: Search and replace in file names

2 votes

How to run a program as root without "sudo"?

2 votes

How do I recursively remove subdirectories and files, but not the first parent directory?