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A file system is the specification of how files in a computer should be stored, named and organized. This tag should be used for generic file system questions. For specific file system questions (FAT, NTFS, ext4, ...) use the appropriate tag instead.

0 votes
2 answers

btrfs receive fails with incremental streams: "File exists"

For a btrfs sub-volume, I have a simple incremental backup created from two stages: btrfs send old/@ > base.btrfs btrfs send new/@ -p old/@ > update.btrfs The two source sub-volumes are snapshots cap …
brainchild's user avatar
0 votes

btrfs receive fails with incremental streams: "File exists"

I have learned enough to answer the question since posting it. The answer takes two parts. First, the receive sub-command always creates a new entry in the target directory having the same name as the …
brainchild's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

btrfs: imaging a volume to an external file

I recently built a system with a btrfs root partition. The most compelling reason for adopting btrfs compared to ext4, in my case, was live copy-on-write snapshots, with near-zero latency. Compared …
brainchild's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Windows support for discard operation of disk drives

Calling a discard operation by a file system to hardware storage is important for both optimal lifespans of solid-state drives and space reclamation of thin-provisioned virtual drives. Information abo …
brainchild's user avatar