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GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) is a multiboot bootloader from the GNU project. This tag is for questions relating to the legacy version of GRUB. Use the GRUB2 tag for questions dealing with GRUB2, a rewritten version.

0 votes

Change boot device order by default to windows

Delete that boot entry: bcdedit /delete {identifier-for-ubuntu-goes-here} For further cleanup, delete Grub files: (this is optional) mountvol S: /s rd S:\EFI\ubuntu /s /q Reboot to test it. …
Himanshuman's user avatar
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Change boot device order by default to windows

Now since then whenever my computer starts it loads the ubuntu grub loader program I need to manually change the boot option to windows every time I start my computer. … How do I make windows the default option also is there any way to delete this ubuntu grub loader? …
Himanshuman's user avatar