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1 vote

Could not open libreoffice "general error in central configuration file"

The error appearing in the terminal (javaldx failed) points to a problem regarding the user config directory. I assume that deinstalling doesn't modify the user's config (even purging - …
tohuwawohu's user avatar
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3 votes

LibreOffice conditional formatting based on string value: strange behavior

It should work with "Formula is" and the following formula: FIND("yes";A1;1) and FIND("no";A1;1) Instead of FIND, you could also use the SEARCH function; there are slight differences be …
tohuwawohu's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I search for a command I don't know the complete name of?

The easiest way is to inspect the "program starter" using the menu editor: right-click on the menu button in the taskbar; select Edit Menu - this will open the menu editor. Now, you can choose the …
tohuwawohu's user avatar
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