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2 votes

bulk photo editor

How about ImageMagick? That can perform bulk operations either from a command line/batch file, or with a scripting language like perl or vbscript.
Matthew Lock's user avatar
  • 4,730
0 votes

Process Outlook.exe can't be killed (win7/Outlook 2010)

The only solution I found was to reboot the computer, as the outlook.exe can't be killed by any means I tried once it's crashed. If you don't want to reboot as it's inconvenitent, and you use office 3 …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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0 votes

How do I transfer programs from my old computer to my new Windows 7 computer?

If you are desperate you can try manually copying the installation directory over to the new computer. I have had this work sometimes depending on how complex the program is. Some programs don't use …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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0 votes

Port 80 alternative on Windows 7?

If the app (and the client/server it connects to) allows you to change the port you are good, else you might need to try some kind of port forwarding.
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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2 votes

PC does not get ip address from router using wired connection

In my case the router, serving as a DHCP server, had too small a range of IP addresses configured, so the new computer couldn't get an IP address as they were all taken up by other computers. Increasi …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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4 votes

Clipboard stopped working

There's probably an app that's "locked" the clipboard. Try and work out what app has done that and close it. In my case it was a hung Greenshot.
Matthew Lock's user avatar
  • 4,730
4 votes

Clipboard stopped working

If this is over Remote Desktop (RDP) then ensure that rdpclip.exe is running on the remote machine. You can start it using Win+R and then rdpclip
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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1 vote

Remote desktop from internet to windows 7 box via linksys router

If you don't have a static IP address you'll also need to find out your IP address somehow. I leave Gmail running on my home machine and then I can see what my home machine's IP address from my work …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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0 votes

What is the quickest and safest way to test new software and revert all changes, if needed?

How about simply making another non-admin user account and trying your software in there?
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I make Windows Media Player ignore global hotkeys in Windows 7?

Not the easiest solution but you could use AutoHotkey to catch the media keys, and then pass the commands on to the program of your choice. A link to get your started …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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0 votes

After IOS 10.0 update, iPhone does not show in "My Computer"

If you are running a N version of Windows (in the EU etc) that doesn't have all the media packs installed make sure you install the media packs, else Windows doesn't have the imaging subsystem to allo …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
  • 4,730
0 votes

System Restore noes not show prevous restore points

Is the disk getting full? Pretty sure Windows auto-deletes restore points when the disk gets full.
Matthew Lock's user avatar
  • 4,730
0 votes

Unable to turn on Wireless on a Lenovo Thinkpad 410s

pressing Fn+F5 in Windows brought up a control panel which allowed me to power it on my R400.
Matthew Lock's user avatar
  • 4,730
4 votes

Record a macro of windows commands

AutoHotkey can record and play back macros, though it's usually easier just to write them in the AutoHotkey language in the first place. There's also this new kid on the block automation solution for …
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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10 votes

Menu select item stuck on screen after context or command menu has closed

Enough tskill dwm commands seems to stop dwm re-starting, so you may need to restart the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager in Services:
Matthew Lock's user avatar
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