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0 votes

Can't trigger the hidden admin account because TeamViewer filters keystrokes

This is on Windows 7. Other versions may be slightly different. [EDIT]Ah, but you can't log in to access the CP? …
Darren's user avatar
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4 votes

How to install Windows XP on a new ASUS laptop

I am almost certain you will not get this to work. There's probably some hardware in the laptop that XP does not have the drivers for - no surprise, hardware has moved on a lot since XP was released. …
Darren's user avatar
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0 votes

Can you resize partition that Windows C: is on without deleting Windows?

The Windows system partition can only be resized offline, i.e. When Windows isn't running. … Most Linux installation CDs include the option to resize the existing windows partition to make room for Linux during the installation process. …
Darren's user avatar
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-1 votes

Is it possible to see Linux files from Windows if they are installed on one machine?

By default, your Windows installation will use NTFS as the file system and Ubuntu will use ext4. Whilst Ubuntu can read NTFS, Windows cannot read ext4 out of the box. … An attack on Windows (such as a virus or hacker) will not be able to read the files on your Ubuntu partition. …
Darren's user avatar
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7 votes

Do I have a 64 bit PC?

Is your PC 64-bit? Yes. Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed. [01]: x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13 GenuineIntel ~2000 Mhz This is really the only part of all the information you’ve dumpe …
Darren's user avatar
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0 votes

Firefox auto-update for school administration

It installs a windows service that manages the auto updates. From Firefox Menus Select the “Menu” button in the upper-right corner, then choose “Options“. Select “Advanced“. Choose the “Update” tab. …
Darren's user avatar
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1 vote

Prevent HDD from sleeping when PC is on and powered?

This is something that is controlled by the drive's firmware so it's not possible for the OS to directly control it. The idle sleep time will vary depending on how the drive is marketed (e.g. NAS driv …
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