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Visual Basic for Applications; a subset of Visual Basic used in all Microsoft Office applications. Consider using this tag together with the tag for the specific application in question. Good questions on VBA generally contain some code and asks for solution of specific issues. Questions asking for entire solutions (please give me the code / how to do this and this with VBA) are off topic and will be closed as too broad.

1 vote
0 answers

Excel VBA: How to Create Word Handouts via PowerPoint VBA?

Sorry if title is confusing. I'm trying to execute a multi-app sub that will ultimately e-mail a PDF attachment. The process first starts by extracting information from a CSV, which I've done, then …
Starnes Student's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why does certain data imported from Word into Excel have yellow font, but not in Word?

I'm using VBA to import their data and the color of their font from their submitted documents. Most of this comes out looking correct, but some comes out with yellow or orange font. …
Starnes Student's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the VBA equivalent of using an array formula to calculate the max non-blank value of...

I could reference the result in that cell in VBA, but I want to know the methodology to calculate it without using that reference. … To re-iterate, I'm just looking for the VBA equivalent of =MAX((C9:C44<>"")*(ROW(C9:C44))). …
Starnes Student's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I perform a search for a form feed character in Excel?

I'm sorting out a document for someone that downloaded huge land ownership files for counties in a city. It was initially in CSV format. I realized that certain files had an unidentified character i …
Starnes Student's user avatar