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An interface for interacting with a computer using typed commands in a text-oriented environment, as opposed to a graphical user interface (GUI).

2 votes

Start service from Task Scheduler as minimised

You can start a service (or any other program) without any window flashing at all, not even minimized. Create a task: Command/script: mshta.exe Add arguments (optional) : "javascript: new ActiveXOb …
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4 votes

Restart a Windows service from the command line

The PsService utility from PsTools provides a restart command for services, with additional parameters to run it on another machine. psservice [-accepteula] [\\Computer [-u Username [-p Password]]] r …
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1 answer

Why this multiline for/in/do doesn't work in a batch?

To help my kid learn the most common colors, I made this batch (it's Windows 7 but I suppose it's the same on another Windows version): @echo off for %%a in (^ black ^ blue ^ green ^ gray ^ orange ^ …
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4 answers

How can a batch lower the priority ONLY of the cmd that runs it?

I have a batch that runs a series of commands that will be long and CPU intensive. I don't mind when it will be finished so I would prefer it to use only idle CPU cycles. If I set the priority of the …
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How can a batch lower the priority ONLY of the cmd that runs it?

This is a working SetMyPrio.bat MyPrio.bat that you can use from another to set the priority of your batch. If you copy it to a directory in your %PATH% you can call it anytime you need it, etc. as us …
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0 votes

How to stop .bat files from running in background?

Try this. Go to Start Menu/All Programs/Accessories, right-click Command Prompt/Properties/Layout/Window Size, Width=80, Height=25.
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