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Bash is a free shell for Unix-like operating systems from the GNU Project.

3 votes

Bash in vi mode: why do I sometimes have to press A, a, i or I twice to get to insert mode?

As mrucci said, the problem is pressing Esc twice. However, since he only commented and did not create an answer, this question is still listed as “unanswered”. Therefore I shamelessly create an answe …
scy won't contribute anymore's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers
1k views bash character echoing messed up

It seems the combination of bash (or rather readline) and gets confused somehow when I hit the cursor-right key to exit “reverse-i-search” (Control-R) mode. … First of all, this is a new terminal window running “GNU bash, version 3.2.48(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin10.0)” (OSX 10.6.4). The prompt is a rather complex one, you can find the code at GitHub. …
scy won't contribute anymore's user avatar
1 vote

Bash Auto-complete Adds Trailing Slash After Filename

(By the way, I found this after looking in man bash for two minutes.) …
scy won't contribute anymore's user avatar