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For questions on connecting devices together so that they can communicate with each other, as well as questions on networking equipment such as routers and switches.

0 votes
1 answer

How do I get windows to ignore security level and connect to the internet

Sometimes when I try to connect to hotel wifi, Windows tells me that it is at a lower security level that is due to be phased out. It then cleverly offers me help on what to do but when I click on th …
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  • 383
1 vote

Connect to Remote Desktop using a different network interface

From the command line, if you type mstsc /? it will list a whole bunch of options. mstsc is the command line name for remote desktop (Microsoft Terminal Server Client). The ones you are interested …
cup's user avatar
  • 383
0 votes

Does the download speed account for intra-network connections?

This is not an answer - just a suggestion. If you have a smartphone, get a wifi analyser application. Then walk around the house checking the signal. Don't take the first reading - wait at least 20 …
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  • 383