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Visual Basic for Applications; a subset of Visual Basic used in all Microsoft Office applications. Consider using this tag together with the tag for the specific application in question. Good questions on VBA generally contain some code and asks for solution of specific issues. Questions asking for entire solutions (please give me the code / how to do this and this with VBA) are off topic and will be closed as too broad.

2 votes
1 answer

Excel macros won't run from shapes or buttons

The macros work if I run them from the Macros dialog, or the VBA editor, but when I press a button or shape, I get the message: "Cannot run the macro <Filename!macroname>. …
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Excel "Can't find Project or Libary" - but which one?

Since the, the "UNSAVED: VBA Project" has stopped appearing. There are no entries that say "MISSING". Open-and-Repair (on the real version) causes the same crash. … I saved a copy without VBA and it worked. ADDITIONAL: There's a pivot table in the workbook that's connected to an external database. …
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar
0 votes

Excel "Can't find Project or Libary" - but which one?

As I said, I had saved a copy as an xlsx file (without the VBA modules). I imported the modules into this version and saved it as xlsm. This version seems to have no problems. …
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar