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RAM (random access memory), either RAM hardware or software and operating system use of RAM.

0 votes

Upgrading from 2GB to 8GB RAM

After you upgrade to win64 and install more memory you want to have enough physical ram that you never need to use the swapfile (vritual memory). … There's no immediate benefit, but new versions of software typically need more memory than the versions they replace so your memory use will gradually increase. …
Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight's user avatar
18 votes

Is it faster to have four times 2 GB or two times 4 GB of RAM with a dual-channel mainboard?

It also can matter if you're overclocking significantly where the second set of DIMMs will limit your ability to push the memory clocks quite as high. … If costs are about the same, 2x4 GB will give you room to expand to 16 GB of memory in the future if you need it. …
Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight's user avatar
0 votes

Do I need to upgrade DDR2 Ram in pairs?

Running in pairs isn't required on any consumer level DDR1 or later system. IIRC it hasn't been required since the p1 or 486 era. If your ram isn't installed in pairs there will be a performance hit …
Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight's user avatar
2 votes

Does upgrading from 2GB to 4GB RAM on an i5 improve performance?

B is the total physical + virtual memory you're using and can be ignored for now. A is the amount of memory you're currently using. … If A is above 2GB you're exceeding your available memory and will benefit from adding more. If it never reaches 2GB more ram won't help. …
Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight's user avatar