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OpenVPN is a free and open source software SSL VPN solution. It allows secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections with routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities.

0 votes

OpenVPN routing table change

You say that you are "", but your routing tables don't support that assertion, or at least your computer is not "". I suspect that the remote VPN endpoint might be doing NAT …
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.4k
0 votes

OpenVPN status active(exited) or loaded

I expect that OpenVPN is indeed already running, but you have not looked at it correctly. Regardless, it seems like something is already bound to port 1194. …
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Need certificate (.crt file) but OpenVPN only provides a config (.ovpn) file?

There are a few elements of your post that are unclear to me (like what you mean by the OpenVPN portal), but I have played around with ovpn files enough to answer the question in general terms. … Also, you can forgo the gui on ubuntu altogether and put the vpn file in /etc/openvpn/client and manually use openvpn (I don't know if doing that integrates with the gui - I never use the gui) …
davidgo's user avatar
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OpenVPN how to use multiple config files

To do exactly what you describe you would need some kind of batch file. There are a few alternatives though - You can have multiple config files and specify the one (or ones) you want to run using t …
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I stop OpenVPN from using every interface on Ubuntu?

Google is your friend - - basically (from the mouthes of the OpenVPN guys), the solution has not within OpenVPN, … [ You can influence routing from the OpenVPN config, but until we know what you are trying to achieve - including configs and route tables we can't provide specifics ] …
davidgo's user avatar
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port forwarding doesn't work when OpenVPN client is active

The issue you are facing is probably one of default/source routing. When the VPN is not on things work because the default gateway is out your Internet connection, but when you start the VPN a couple …
davidgo's user avatar
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How to setup remote server name for Openvpn in pfsense

Depending on the complexity of your network - if you can put the OpenVPN server on a seperate subnet such that all requests - both internal and external - go through the firewall, you may be able to add … a line to the firewall to intercept requests from your LAN going to ext.ip port 1194 and redirect them to your OpenVPN box, while also port-forwarding/pinholing this from your WAN Interface. …
davidgo's user avatar
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3 votes

How to only go via OpenVPN server for certain IPs

The idea in both cases is the same - You let OpenVPN know the IP addresses that need to be routed through it. … do this on the client side, you don't need the "push" - you can just add the following to the OpenVPN config. …
davidgo's user avatar
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OpenVpn on router need assistance with single device bypass

This is possible, but quite an advanced topic, and not available in all routers. You may be able to do it with a router which uses OpenWRT and DD-WRT, but the fun part is the routing - you will ne …
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Connecting to VPNs and my ISP

Simple answer - yes. Your ISP can see your external IP, the port you are connecting from, and the IP and port of the VPN server. In the typical cade this is enough to indicate the VPN protocol and po …
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Routing in 10.8 Server - WiFI clients over VPN - Ethernet Clients not over VPN

After setting up your VPN (OpenVPN is a better choice then PPTP, but either should work fine), you need to do 3 things. … For OpenVPN you can probably affect this change simply by adding a line to the OpenVPN config on REMOTE route IP.RANGE.OF.CLIENT NETMASK.OF.RANGE Alternatively try something like /sbin/ipfw add divert …
davidgo's user avatar
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Can I set up a VPN server on my home network?

You can technically set up a VPN server on your home network provided that you either have a static IP address or a mechanism to find it from the wider Internet (Dynamic DNS is often used) A VPN serv …
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Accessing local network over the internet WITHOUT router support

I would then set up OpenVPN (as a client) on this router, and connect it to a VPN server in the cloud. I would then connect other devices to the same VPN server. … I believe (but have not extensively used) OpenVPN in "TAP" mode. The more commonly used mechanism for it is "tun" mode, where it acts like a router. …
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Does ASUS RT-N66U still route traffic to Internet if VPN drops?

This would be typical behaviour for almost any system with a VPN - the VPN software needs to be able to connect to the wider Internet to set up the VPN, or reset it when it drops.
davidgo's user avatar
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How to SSH to device which is connected via VPN to server?

When you set up an OpenVPN connection it creates an additional IP address on each device. … The easiest way would be to establish the OpenVPN address of the PC and connect to it on that IP address after establishing OpenVPN. …
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.4k

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