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Email clients and mail transfer agents. Questions about webmail are off-topic.

1 vote

In Thunderbird, while composing an email, how to convert it from plain text to HTML?

So at least you can decide at the point of starting a new email whether you want it to be plain text or HTML... …
hpy's user avatar
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82 votes
8 answers

Tell Thunderbird not to truncate or wrap lines when sending email

When I compose and send an email (I always write plain-text emails) in Thunderbird, it always truncates my sentences and adds line breaks in the middle of my sentences. …
hpy's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Complete backup of online email account w/ easy future offline access?

I have an old school email account that is expiring in a couple of months, which supports IMAP and POP3. … I would like to make a complete offline backup of all my email in that account, ideally with easy offline access to it in the future (i.e. are the emails stored in "modular" files/folders VS some obscure …
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