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The process and events beginning with power being supplied to the processor and ending with the operating system fully loaded and ready for use. Questions about specific parts of the boot process should be tagged with, e.g. [bios].

1 vote
2 answers

The computer does not boot when RAM is placed in dual channel

The Ballistix RAM sticks does not work in Dual Channel Mode (computer does not boot up when I have only these RAM sticks inserted). … Kingston HyperX in 4th slot (infinite number of errors) testing Crucial Ballistix in 1st and 2nd slot and Kingston HyperX in 3rd slot (NO ERRORS) testing Crucial Ballistix in 2nd and 4th slot (PC DOES NOT BOOT
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The computer does not boot when RAM is placed in dual channel

Okay it turned out that it was all okay with the Crucial Ballistix RAM sticks, I just needed to clean them gently with eraser and also clean the RAM slots. The funny fact is that I also had a slightly …
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1 vote
1 answer

Strange computer behavior

Update 25/11/22 Now the computer failed to boot with some other kind of error. …
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