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  1. Copy the public and private keys to %userprofile%\.ssh
  2. Use the batch script below after finding your keys from the cmd prompt with where *.pub:
    Md %Userprofile%\.ssh
      Copy PublicKey %Userprofile%\.ssh
      Copy PrivateKey %Userprofile%\.ssh
    Cd %Userprofile%\.ssh
      Icacls .\PublicKey  /Inheritance:r
      Icacls .\PrivateKey /Inheritance:r
      Icacls .\PublicKey  /Grant:r "%Username%":"(F)"
      Icacls .\PrivateKey /Grant:r "%Username%":"(F)"
  3. Right-click each file → Properties → Security:
    Remove everyone except the user, setting the permissions for the user to Read