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Is there a trick to add an unix user with '@' inside its login on debian

On Debian, there is not a lot of limitations to add an unix user. Ie: the login may contain dots and uppercase letters. Is there a trick to add an unix user with an '@' inside its login ? I understand ...
benelux's user avatar
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Dropbear SSH server is claiming the Debian user is locked (when it's not?)

Having problem logging into a Debian (stable-slim) docker trough SSH. Dropbear is started (using supervisord or manually) with: dropbear -E -B -m -F -p 2222 -r /home/warbandserver/.config/dropbear/...
DhP's user avatar
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sudoers on Debian 9 installed from docker

I've installed a tomcat docker image based on Debian9. There is something weird with user creation I don't understand. I'm root and I add an user with useradd adminuser No home directory is ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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How to run a command with sudo from a certain path?

I'm setting up some automation with remote controlled bots. It's imperative that these bots have only exactly the permissions to run certain commands (I can't open the permissions too much in the ...
Victor Schröder's user avatar
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Unable to enter the home directory

Panel ISPmanager set up user domain_name. I want to add another user (dev_2), who is also involved in the development of the site. Gets the list of user groups for domain_name: root@server:~# groups ...
Shilgen's user avatar
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How can to get forgotten username on Debian? [duplicate]

I have a Debian desktop. On last time, I had updated/upgraded. Now I cannot login (maybe I forgotten username). I cannot login to root too. It seems that we cannot login with root (we just can switch ...
aviit's user avatar
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how to properly remove an administrator's account from server

We have several administrators on our Debian servers and one has left our company. In leaving, he removed his own account. He was the first user on a bunch of our systems, so now any files that he ...
houtanb's user avatar
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debian: permission denied for all users except of root

I wrote a bash script today which might destroyed some of my user settings and/or permissions. Now I know it was quite stupid to test the script on my live-system ;). What is not working? Every ...
BavYeti's user avatar
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Login prompt remains after deleting user

I delete a user using deluser. I can't find any file related to it on the system, no entry in /etc/passwd, but on login screen it still remains, prompting for login. Why so?
japan's user avatar
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Creating remote user to launch one file

Here is the problem: I have made something with python that works with virtually any OS, except windows, and I have been told the people who are going to evaluate/use/try it only have windows ...
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Why there is no sudoers file: "/etc/sudoers: No such file or directory"?

I am trying to add a new admin user, but: # adduser username admin adduser: The user `username' does not exist. # man sudoers No manual entry for sudoers # less /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers: No ...
static's user avatar
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Samba Server Make Multiple User Permissions Profiles

I have a Samba file server running, and I was wondering how I could make multiple user accounts that have different permissions. For example, at the moment I have a user, smbusr, but when I ssh to the ...
Scriptonaut's user avatar
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Linux - Debian - Original groups that a user is in

This is embarrassing; I used the usermod command to add myself to the disk group. However I forgot to use the append option! so I'm not a member of any of the groups that I was originally, now ...
Auxiliary's user avatar
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Debian: get the login name from UID

What I need is something like: $ who-has-uid 1000 cyrus I know the file /etc/passwd contains such informations, I'm not asking a script that parses it.
cYrus's user avatar
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Lock users in a directory

File structure: / | root | srv | etc | home | duke | aa | bin | scripts | logs | etc | servers | user1 | user2 ...
dukevin's user avatar
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