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Chromebook RW_Legacy enabled Jammy 22.04 install

With Development enabled and enabling Legacy settings for RW_Legacy, I installed a minimal from a live Ubuntu Jammy X86_64 image installed from usb. I get a clean boot and have updated with libraries ...
Aaron Sullivan's user avatar
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How to mount Luks disk with specific user?

Have a external disk with Lucks and EXT4 partition, the OS mount the disk using the first user by default but can not mount as secondary user: The first user is uid=1000 and gid=1000, but the ...
e-info128's user avatar
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How to Safely Copy Entire Ubuntu Root Directory to Different Drive and use it as system drive via SSH?

I'm currently maintaining a remote Ubuntu server with two drives: one SSD and one HDD. The HDD is currently mounted at /, serving as the system drive, while the SSD is empty and mounted at /mnt/nvme. ...
dzwiedzn7's user avatar
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Mount a 2nd SMB Share Drive from Local Windows PC to Ubuntu 22.04.03

Today is the first day of my 38 years on this planet that I am using Linux. So please be patient with me. I have successfully followed a series of steps to mount a share folder from my Windows Desktop,...
MartyCH85's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server keep logging me as root after mount

I keep logging in as root@mymachinename and not as my user mmg@mymachinename I'm not sure why. Backstory: I tried to mount a shared folder following [this guide] (
vmk's user avatar
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Explain _ Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab

with neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' OS: Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64 To re-purpose a drive ... this drive was made raw by: deleting all files deleting all partitions by using badblocks command ...
joseph22's user avatar
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Linux partition mountpoint

I checked the partitions on my linux system this morning and lsblk shows a strange mountpoint for the main partition mvne0n1p6: $ lsblk /dev/nvme0n1 NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS ...
tipikae's user avatar
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Why do permissions change randomly when mounting via 9p method?

The mounting is working perfectly fine. I mount the external share by using fstab with the following config: data /home/data 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw,uid=...
carlchen's user avatar
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Provide SFTP access to all users to mounted s3fs directory on EC2 instance

I have created 10 SFTP users on the EC2 instance and I am able to login to the server. I have an SSH key for all users for authentication instead of a password. I am mounting the s3 bucket to one ...
Wagh's user avatar
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SD card has to be inserted multiple times before partitions are detected

When I insert a SD card on the slot for the SD card, the OS detects that a disk has been inserted, however the partitions are not listed so I cannot mount the card to access the partitions. I have to ...
Tomás Arturo Herrera Castro's user avatar
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How come RAMdisk not visible via "lsblk -all"?

How come RAMdisk not visible via "lsblk -all" ? The manual says: man lsblk -a, --all Disable all built-in filters and list all empty devices and RAM disk devices too. using neofetch --...
joseph22's user avatar
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How to permanently mount directory in WSL2?

I have a folder on Windows C:/Users/macie/dev and I want to mount it on /home/maciek/dev on WSL (Ubuntu). It stops working after restarting Windows. How do I make the mount permanent? Here's my /etc/...
lincoln06's user avatar
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Mount of shared windows drive in /etc/fstab failing

I’m having problems mounting /mnt/data on my newest vmware VM. I’m not sure what next to try next to get /mnt/data to show me my shared folder – I’m doing it through /etc/fstab in Ubuntu. So I ...
Lindsay's user avatar
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Switch to a filesystem with more memory

I am relatively new to linux, but am working on a remote server. Here's the output of df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 29G 1.9G 28G 7% / devtmpfs ...
Dimi Ansari's user avatar
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NFS Permission Denied when mounting from WSL

I'm trying to mount a NFS folder in WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 sudo mount singularity:/srv/Storage /mnt/storage -v But it gives me an error mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting singularity:/srv/...
cclloyd's user avatar
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