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Understanding how ports work and how are they different from processes?

I've been a part of a network operations team for quite some time now and was extracting a certificate using this command: openssl s_client -connect <IP>:<PORT> </dev/null | sed -n -e '/...
Keshav Sehgal's user avatar
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why might nmap on a computer be reporting port 443 as closed on some but not all computers?

When I run nmap on roughly half the computers in my network I get this: PORT STATE SERVICE 443/tcp closed https When I run it on the other half of the computers in my ...
neubert's user avatar
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Nobody listens on port, yet something accepts connection on it

Here is some background information first, although it may not be relevant to the problem. I am learning Kubernetes and I set up a cluster where pi-hole runs as a service. I can access the admin ...
Marko's user avatar
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bitcoin-cli testnet : Could not connect to the server

I've installed bitcoin-cli from here I run the bitcoin core on Ubuntu 20.04 (AWS EC2). mac-os also experiences similar problems. Ubuntu 20.04 screen capture for the error messages The commands I've ...
Albert Tsang SHSI's user avatar
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What ports range is safe from taking by Windows 10

I wrote small program and I would like to use some TCP ports. Same ports for a longer period of time. The problem is each time Windows 10 wakes up it makes its mind which ports to reserve for its ...
greenoldman's user avatar
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How can I do a bi-directional Port-Forwarding (flow encapsulation)?

I have two applications: a client and a server which communicate through port 1234. For some reasons this port is blocked on our system but everything works correctly on port 1235 (checked with two ...
Alpha_33's user avatar
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WebSocket connections originating from local network all use same client-side port (instead of ephemeral) when connecting to local webserver - Why?

I set up a webserver on a virtual machine on my home desktop. I have my router forward several ports (80, 443, etc) to my desktop, when then forwards them via NAT to the virtual machine (see diagram ...
SAlsum's user avatar
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After opening port 443 in windows firewall as inbound rule, I cannot see it when I run 'netstat -an'

As an inbound rule on Windows 10 firewall, I added port 443 as TCP connection allowing all types of connections. However, I cannot see it when I run 'netstat -an'. How can I get it so that I see my ...
KaneHarry729's user avatar
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java.exe opens up hundreds of ports on on a windows 10 computer and listens to itself

After I ran netstat -ab with admin right on my win10 computer, which is not running anything "java" related on the desktop nor there is "java.exe" in taskmanager's "detailed ...
eliu's user avatar
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Packet reaches OS but not the process

Sorry if my issue is a bit hard to summarize in the title. That is the best I could come up with. TL;DR Version: How do I debug when packets reach OS, but not the destination process? Explanation: I ...
pooya13's user avatar
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How can I know what is preventing my socket to bind to localhost:50060-50959

I am using this Python code to listen to a port on my Windows 10 system: import socket for port in (50059, 50060, 50959, 50960): try: print(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)....
bers's user avatar
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how to run mincraft server on linux

I wish to run minecraft server om my linux mint 19.0, but I have some troubles, I can start it in local, and connect by but i can't run it on my ip in inthernet, 4 example my ip is 2....
artur1214's user avatar
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ipv4 and TCP/UDP ports: Multiple instances of the same program, same port number

I am trying to learn about ipv4, TCP and UDP protocols. I have read that the purpose of a port number being assigned in a TCP or UDP datagram is to ensure that the sending/receiving machines forward ...
user3728501's user avatar
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How does TCP handle multiple requests targeted to one port?

As a server may get many requests from clients at the same time to a particular port, for example port 80 for HTTP objects, how does the server handle simultaneous requests?
Richard's user avatar
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Using lsof and fuser I can't find the process listening on a strange port

I've read other posts about finding the process ID and what's listening, but sadly couldn't get my issue solved. So, apologize if I missed some info about it. Running netstat I found a port that I ...
jmox's user avatar
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What are network ports internally? [closed]

I know there will be multiple ports in the host/computing machine for each of the services that i hosts on the network. But i want to understand what are these ports internally? Below is my ...
Darshan L's user avatar
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Access local webserver on port 8080 in home network using IP-Address

this is quite new to me so I hope it is clear what I try to ask. On my windows 10 pro I have installed a small application which runs as a webserver on port 8080. I can access it using localhost:8080 ...
Stephan's user avatar
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How are source ports determined and how can I force it to use a specific port

When I connect to this changes to Then a connection to me opens on [My IP Address]:63998. My question is how is 63998 port choosen and is there a way of ...
TheGathron's user avatar
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Cannot open a connection from a PC but the host can be reached from other computers

When I use telnet to try a port on a server, I get the following: telnet x.x.x.x xxxx Connecting To x.x.x.x...Could not open connection to the host, on port xxxx: Connect failed ...
ig343's user avatar
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What are the default nmap options?

Which options are used by default, when the user fires # nmap target without any explicit option? I am going to write the defaults of the three options I consider the most important. It would be ...
user1459339's user avatar
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IPTables - Redirect traffic based on country

Is there any way how to allow TCP traffic only from specified countries on a specified port and the rest of traffic redirect to another IP/port using iptables ?
Dakado's user avatar
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Can two different applications bind the same port on a host if they use different protocols?

my question is quite clear I think. If two applications use different transport layer protocols (e.g. TCP and UDP or something else) can they open the same port number? How does the OS do the ...
yoyo_fun's user avatar
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Where do I start to troubleshoot this strange activity from my firewall?

I noticed that my firewall yesterday blocked outgoing attempts starting at port 61494 and worked its way up to 62381, making a TCP outgoing attempt at each port once. The remote IP address seems ...
wardr's user avatar
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Tcp connection target machine actively refused

I have a simple TCP client/server program on two laptops. The server should work fine as I use "netstat -anb" and the server shows up as listening, "", then my client connection failed, ...
Shihao Zhang's user avatar
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What ports are used by an application [duplicate]

I'm testing an application which opens its own ports (acts as a server for these ports, hence listens at that ports) and where the same application connects to ports bound by other applications (acts ...
Baz's user avatar
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List all open sockets in /dev/tcp/localhost/

Is it possible to list all open sockets in /dev/tcp/localhost/ on a Linux machine? I want to list all sockets where the following command would return 0: timeout 2 bash -c "cat < /dev/null > /...
Harold L. Brown's user avatar
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TCP server listen and client listen windows software

I am using Windows OS on an amazon cloud AWS with static public IP. On this machine I need to set up a TCP server to listen on port 2204 for raw data that will arrive from a GPS base station over TCP ...
Louis Mullen's user avatar
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Hiding port number from address.

I have centos 6.5 running some web apps. Currently due the following port forwarding rules, I am only able to access my public content using Is there anyone to just use ...
Bimlik's user avatar
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How to force a process transmit over UDP instead of TCP?

I 'm running an ffserver process on a Linux machine, in order to achieve video streaming via ffmpeg. However, there is a delay on video streaming. On ffserver configuration file I define Port 8090. ...
dempap's user avatar
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Is the same port acting as both client and server?

i find something strange in this netstat output. the output is taken using netstat -a -n -o -p TCP command on win 7. Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID TCP ...
inquisitive's user avatar
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How to monitor TCP and UDP port changes

I am running software on a server that may be turning off some ports and need to find out what it is. I have the ports I need to check. I just need to find out what is turning them off. How can I ...
Rick's user avatar
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Detect what outgoing ports are bypassed by firewall

My school has a firewall which limits most outgoing ports. There're only TCP/80, TCP/443, TCP/21 allowed. Is there's a way to find out all the outgoing port allowed by the firewall? My current idea: ...
shouya's user avatar
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Open TCP port in Windows 7 and read incoming data, what program to use?

I have an external device which can connect over GPRS to the Internet using a SIM card and I want to see what data it sends. I can program it to use my computer as a server and then use a program to ...
MerNion's user avatar
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Ports 1935 and 843 are getting blocked for no reason

I have Windows 7, and my computer has been blocking ports 1935 and 843 for no reason for a while now. If for example, I try to watch twitch, nothing will work because those two are getting blocked. ...
Joe's user avatar
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TCP Connections/Session and Ports

I have some basic questions about ports and sessions. Since all these are related and simple questions, I've asked them together: I understand that for creating a connection we need a socket (ip+port)...
Kanagavelu Sugumar's user avatar
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How can I remap outgoing TCP ports?

Is there any way to remap a TCP port from a program were you not can change the port number? The program talks on port 4321 and I want it to go out on port 14321 on the local computer.
Lars Laursen's user avatar
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stopped a service but outgoing port still exists on netstat -aon

bit more detail.... I have a port, specifically port 2869 for Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service that uses UPnP port 2869, however even when turning off all the sharing possibilities I can ...
ben's user avatar
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Enabling access to a home server from "Internet" side

I wish to enable remote access to my linux home server, so I can use it when I'm not home. I tried doing so using port forwarding as follows: http://<RouterInternetIP>:<SomePort> => ...
Omer Perry's user avatar
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Program to record data transmission between two computers using a TCP port

I am looking for a way to view data being transmitted over a TCP port between two computers. Is there a software package that allows this? I suppose I could script something to re-route data coming ...
Richard's user avatar
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Why is port 1111 open, and is it safe to be?

I'm new to systems administration and have a server running a website with HTTP (at port 80), HTTPS (at port 443) and SSH (at port 22). I'm running Ubuntu 11.04. I did an Nmap port scan using my ...
nknj's user avatar
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TCP port prioritizing on switch/router (QoS)

I have some HP ProCurve series Switch. There is a QoS option for prioritize traffic by TCP/UDP port. I set two ports: one with highest priority and another with lowest. Then I performed tests to ...
anth's user avatar
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Can not open port 6000 windows xp

I am trying to connect to macincloud using their software and can not. They told me the reason is port 6000 is not open. I spent 3 hours on the phone today with ATT making sure the 6000 port was open ...
Alton forthe's user avatar
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What is the purpose of ports?

I have a few questions in regard to the following explanation of ports I found. The Application layer talks to the Transport layer through a port. Ports are numbered and standard ...
Griffin's user avatar
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Cannot connect to guest OS from host OS

I have installed OpenSUSE on VMWare player as guest OS and my host OS is Windows XP. What I want to achieve is to send message from my host (i.e XP), say on port 7000 and receive it on a specific port ...
Bhushan's user avatar
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How do networking ports work? Can I configure the ports that client and server use?

Let's say i have a "server" program listening on address (i.e. remote port 69) When i connect from a "client" program to it, typically i would specify the IP address + port of the target ...
joedotnot's user avatar
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Tcp Port Open by Unknown Service

Running openSUSE 11.2 x86_64. Here's what a nmap of my IP provides: PORT STATE SERVICE 23/tcp open telnet 80/tcp open http 2800/tcp open unknown 8008/tcp open http I would like ...
meh's user avatar
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How to know which protocol is used in data transfer and inspect that data?

I've a .net application for windows. This application transfers a lot of data to and from a particular server on a fix port no 8888. I tried 'Tcpview' but couldn't figure out anything useful. I only ...
user37880's user avatar
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What does it mean when a portscan shows a port as "tcpwrapped"?

Interesting ports on Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 5.2 (protocol 2.0) 62078/tcp open tcpwrapped I see tcpwrapper ...
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What typically uses port 44380?

A company just asked me to open port 44380 in my firewall so that their software could work. This made me wonder... what is the customary use for port 44380?
eleven81's user avatar
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