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Server backup to Google Drive

I am working on a backup process for a cloud based virtual machine. I already have a script that will create a tar.gz file, encrypt it with my gpg public key and give it a unique name. Now I would ...
Robert3452's user avatar
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How can I synchronize a folder FROM my C drive TO my Dropbox folder?

I'm trying to use Dropbox to synchronize some folders that are outside my dropbox folder on my computer. My dropbox folder is placed on my secondary hard drive which is an ordinary mechanical hard ...
CoffeeQuest's user avatar
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Uploading large folders to Dropbox from external hard drive

I've got a puzzling dilemma that I've been trying to solve for weeks. I want to backup about 500 GBs from an external hard drive to my Dropbox Pro account. My computer's hard drive is nowhere near ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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What exactly does Dropbox do when it syncs?

When I upload or create folders on a system I have configured with Dropbox, what exactly happens on my other systems equipped with that same Dropbox account? By that, I mean: does Dropbox download a ...
Chance's user avatar
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Can using cloud storage for backup backfire and ruin local data?

I was thinking of using a simple backup strategy like copying my Documents directory into the Dropbox directory. This strategy should work in case my laptop gets stolen or my house burns down. But ...
Martin Drozdik's user avatar
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Backup Solution for Field Netbooks?

Windows 7 and Windows 8 Laptops Connected via cell phone hot spots and twice a week WiFi in the office We have about 20 computers that are in the field and about once a day at different times they ...
Tyler's user avatar
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One way sync with either Dropbox or Google drive on linux and windows

I could not google this one. I would like to use Dropbox or Google drive only as backup, so I would like to ensure I only upload to those services and never download (unless done manually via the web ...
sup's user avatar
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Keeping config files synced in an encfs-encrypted dropbox

I using my Dropbox to sync my config files on different machines. In addition my Dropbox is synced with encfs. encfs mounts a volume with the decrypted Dropbox-folder on startup. This process takes a ...
Joachim's user avatar
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Safe way of synchronising Dropbox with backup

I use Dropbox but also like to back up my files to an external hard drive. I am currently doing a one way sync from Dropbox to the external drive every hour. This is very inefficient as the ...
Simd's user avatar
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Folder synchronization software for great volumes and with a tracking database

I'm looking for a synchronization software for my iMac-MacBook configuration. Other systems would be a plus. I'd like to synchronize everything, which is many Gb, also for a backup purpose. I know ...
djjeck's user avatar
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Is there a performance hit to local file access with dropbox?

I've been considering using dropbox for a few reasons, since it seems to solve a lot of potential headaches. However, one thing I didn't find a lot of information on were the drawbacks from a ...
Eric's user avatar
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How can I back up the Documents folder on my Macbook?

I don't want to use Dropbox because I don't want to sync a separate folder - I just want to sync the Documents folder that already exists in ~/Zachary/Documents. Any tool recommendations? Ideally ...
Zack Burt's user avatar
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How do I setup rsync and any other scripts to mimic a minimal viable replica of DropBox?

The tools I use to mimic the service are not as important as creating a reliable replacement in case something happens to the DropBox company (price flux, acquisition, etc) My original question was ...
Mark Essel's user avatar
4 votes
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Syncing Chrome Extension Settings w/ Dropbox

I was wondering where I could find the settings for extensions in Google Chrome so I can create a symbolic link to synchronize the information w/ Dropbox until Google offers an official solution. It'...
Orion751's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Best way to synchronise photos to three machines. Laptop, Desktop, NAS

I'm using Picasa as my photo management software, and I have a collection of photos that gets downloaded from my cameras either onto my Desktop or onto my Laptop. I'd like to automatically have ...
user9632's user avatar
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