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Questions tagged [ssl-certificate]

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162 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
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SSL handshake fails for only, in all browsers

I can't connect to via HTTPS on any browser (Safari, Firefox or Chrome). All other sites (HTTPS or not) are fine. The error I get is ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED in Chrome, Secure Connection ...
akxlr's user avatar
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How to configure GlassFish v3.1 to use SSL?

We are looking for simple step-by-step manuals how to configure GlassFish v3.1 to use SSL. We are running few legacy application under GlassFish and we hope there is no need to change them: so that ...
Seno's user avatar
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How to renew CA certificate using easy-rsa

I need to renew ca certificate. I use easyrsa. I know there is command easyrsa renew foo but it works only with regular certificates. I can't see any option like easyrsa renew-ca and easyrsa renew ca ...
T0maas's user avatar
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Establish https on nonstandard port

I'm trying to estamblish https on port 55434 (different than standard 443). My nginx configuration looks like this: server { server_name; listen 55434 ssl; ssl ...
majkel's user avatar
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SSL verification doesn't happen with curl cacert option

This is my understanding of curl --cacert option : We can make curl perform SSL verification against a custom truststore by providing a PEM file path to this option. It is mostly used when we are ...
Monish Kamble's user avatar
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macOS - Getting SSL certificate error on valid certificate when accessing via git

2 days ago we started to get an error in git when pulling updates from our repository via HTTPs: "SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired" Seems like a duplicate of the issue below, but ...
timmi4sa's user avatar
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Safari forces user to select client certificate even if it is optional

This question is loosely related to another one: IIS7.5 SSL Question, Safari users get a prompt of certificate to select, but since it was asked more than a year ago I thought that there may be some ...
Maciej's user avatar
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setup vpnc to use vpnclient certificate for authentication

I am trying to access my company VPN using my Centos 5.5 laptop. I have the vpn client certificate issued by my company's IT dept. I am able to access the webmail using the same certificate which I ...
yasouser's user avatar
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Self-signed SSL Certificate for Nginx not working with Chrome

I've generated a Self-signed SSL Certificate and Authority for my localhost nginx dev environment and imported the Certificate Authority in both Firefox and Chrome. - Firefox: works perfectly, the ...
Bruno Leveque's user avatar
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Since installing an SSL certificate the featured images from my portfolio aren't displaying on my website homepage

I'm using Wordpress for my website with a Phlox theme and the Elementor and Phlox plug-ins. Since installing the SSL certificate the feature images are not displaying on my home page. The area it ...
user12047975's user avatar
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Vagrant: SSL verification error behind corporate proxy

My company uses a proxy. I am using a Windows 10 notebook, 64 bit. Vagrant version 2.1.1. When trying to install a Vagrant plugin, e.g. vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf I see the following ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Tomcat SSL error after setting up certificate

After generating certificate and key pem file using openssl on ubuntu 16.04 I configured tomcat connector in server.xml file as given below but, when I start tomcat I get an error. In the browser ...
Vitthal Shirke's user avatar
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Browser prompts client certificates only from current user store ignoring local machine store

I've implemented an application, which installs X509 client certificates on the user's computer. They are supposed to be used to log in to the SSO system. They are installed both in the context of ...
dradzikowski's user avatar
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How to disable «Secure Connection Failed» for all visited sites?

UPD: Problem was reproduced for me in Windows 10 EN Enterprise LTSB 64-bit. I install Windows → I download browsers (more I do not download anything after installation) → I get same errors. 1. ...
Саша Черных's user avatar
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Is this setup of an HTTPS/TLS/SSL certificate for an Asus RT-AC3200 router via Mac OS X 10.10 and Chrome correct?

Using the following links I believe I was able to create and install a certificate and authority for my router so that when I connect to it via HTTPS it won't give me the warning screen about the site ...
Jesse Yishai's user avatar
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Windows 2012 R2 CA - certsrv missing templates field

Has anybody come across an issue where the certificate templates field is not available in the CA menu, http://localhost/certsrv/certrqxt.asp? What it should look like is: Has anybody any idea what ...
KMoyna's user avatar
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Why doesn't Firefox accept different Ports for SSL encryption other than 443

There is an IIS Webserver with different Sites (SSL Binding) because I can't configure IIS to listen on same Address and Port with different Certificates so I set the SSL Port direction in the ...
kockiren's user avatar
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Multiple websites on one server/IP; only one with SSL

I recently acquired an SSL certificate for my primary site ( It works great, and I've even set up an .htaccess rule so all traffic on that site is encrypted. (I'm running Apache.)...
Eric Marsh's user avatar
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How can I automatically trust a Root CA in Firefox given a PEM file?

I have: Firefox 24.0 on Windows 7 Enterprise A frequent need to have Firefox trust a specific Root CA in Base64-encoded "PEM" format on disk, e.g. C:\foo.pem (for instance) The certificate I need to ...
allquixotic's user avatar
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separate irssi services passwords from main configuration file

I want to automatically connect to some IRC networks that don't all support authentication SSL client certificates (like OFTC) or SASL (Freenode). At the same time I want to add my irssi config to ...
kouk's user avatar
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self-signed SSL certificate error: certificate has invalid digital signature

I have a c# program and part of it creates a self-signed certificate. The problem is when i try to import the certificate in MMC it says "This certificate has an invalid digital signature." And when ...
for-each's user avatar
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Permanently use certificate for site on chrome

I have installed a certificate in chrome for a website I am running. Whenever I go to the site, chrome prompts me for which certificate I want to use. I only have one certificate for the site. Is ...
Jeff Storey's user avatar
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Restore default CA Certificates on Mac OSX 10.7

I've been screwing around with my Mac, trying to install self-signed certificate as trusted for our WAN site (for which we can't justify paying for a real signed certificate) I've broken something ...
Lee Hambley's user avatar
2 votes
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Fedora 18 - error [Errno 14] Peer cert cannot be verified or peer cert invalid

When i run the command: sudo yum install perl-bioperl I get the error [Errno 14] Peer cert cannot be verified or peer cert invalid. My system details are: Linux localhost.localdomain 3.11.10-100....
priyanka's user avatar
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Using OpenSSH config file with -addext and -subj parameters

I'm trying to create a bash script to manage a PKI. I want to use OpenSSL conf file to specify some parameters for the generated and signed certs using my CA. I specified default parameters as below: ...
Tratosca's user avatar
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SSL expired web root certificate for one client, on some computers but not others

I'm a non-network pro who has a situation with one of our largest clients. They get the red Certificate Invalid icon, because of an outdated, expired root certificate. However, our certificate is up ...
daprezjer's user avatar
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Cloudflare Nginx SSL Not Trusted/400 bad request (No required ssl certificate was sent)

Similar to this the error I am receiving from this thread (
Jason Chan's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error on specific site, on specific device, on specific browser?

I get the ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error only on a specific website, only on one Android phone, only using Chrome mobile. the site works (i.e. https is accessible without error) with every other ...
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Unable to load CA private key when creating the intermediate pair

Following the tutorial at LINK to create the root pair and intermediate pair. Creating the root pair works fine, but when I try to create the intermediate pair using: openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -...
Mike's user avatar
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Easy switching between multiple sets of ca certificates?

My new job requires company's custom CA certificate to be installed. It is ok until I'm working, but I don't want this CA certificate to be active during non-working time. Are there any ways ...
Kirzilla's user avatar
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TLS 1.2 connection with lftp

I'm trying to connect to a server from my RHEL 7 server that only accepts FTPS, TLS 1.2 connections. The only client available seems to be lftp. When I try to connect, it hangs on "TLS negotiation......
Scott's user avatar
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openssl how to generate CSR with S/MIME Capabilities

what req_extensions should I pass to openssl to include "S/MIME Capabilities" into my CSR? Please see example openssl s_client outpout below from installed certificate. I aware of "X509v3 ...
iNio's user avatar
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Angularjs PUT & DELETE Aborted on PreFlight with IE11

Our AngularJs WebApp communicates CORS CRUD operations against a WebApi service hosted in IIS that is SSL, and requires Certificates. All Verbs - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, work in Chrome, but... IE11 ...
Ryan Lege's user avatar
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How do I manually connect to a WPA2 EAP-TLS school network using cloudpath on linux?

I’ve been trying to join my school’s wifi network with little success. Our school uses Cloudpath Enrollment System (used to be called Xpressconnect or something). All devices have to install and run ...
user11984782's user avatar
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Disabling the self-signed certificate exception for Java

I'm trying to access a Java Applet over https, the big burden is the applet is self-signed (which I currently have no control over) and the https port changes every time because it is behind a private ...
Devon's user avatar
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Strongswan ikev2: https stops working on client when connected to vpn server

I have set up strongswan 5.3.3-1 on OpenWRT 15.05 based router. Followed this tutorial The certificate for Server side authentication is issued by Let's Encrypt - I use it for my synology box and it ...
drew1kun's user avatar
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I have generated self signed certificate for my server. After importing root CA cert to my browser, I was trying to access my website via Chrome, I am however getting "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" ...
Pawel's user avatar
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certificate verify failed - Open VPN

When establishing open vpn connection, i am facing error "TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed" SSL ...
syed imty's user avatar
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Add exception to the list of disabled signature algorithms on Firefox?

I'm currently accessing some internal websites with Firefox. The certificates for the websites are signed with RSASSA-PSS, which is trusted by Chrome but not by Firefox. I understand that Mozilla ...
Franklin Yu's user avatar
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Get ssl server name from ssl handshake - tshark

I am trying to verify a certificate using openssl. I verified the certificate chain itself and I want to check if the subject of the certificate matches the server name from the SSL field. My code ...
kobibo's user avatar
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"Error certificate signature failure getting chain" when combining certificates in a PKCS12 keystore

I got the above error when I tried to combine a server certificate, a private key and a certificate chain into a PCKS#12 keystore (step 3) prior to convert it to a JKS keystore. Below are the steps I ...
techie11's user avatar
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How to get domain name of laptop

I need to create a certificate signing request to get a certificate from a CA for my laptop: openssl req -subj "/CN=<my common name>" -new -key client-key.pem -out client.csr In order to ...
Kenenbek Arzymatov's user avatar
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Retrieve ssl certificate from a server using ssl-cert nmap script: what security issues?

I'm a student in computer security, and I'm wondering what would be the risks for a server if I can retrieve its SSL certificate using the nmap script ssl-cert ? Thank you
mric750's user avatar
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Your connection is not private in Chrome and Internet Explorer

There is a problem with my Google Chrome and Internet Explorer when I am visiting https sites mostly and anything related to Google is not working... See screenshot of chrome and internet ...
Code Mountain's user avatar
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Wildcard Server Certificate cannot be saved in IIs

I am using a domain wildcard certificate and want to get that installed on a new server. In IIS Manager > Server Certificate, I use Complete Certificate Request to add the cert and it's showing in ...
ydoow's user avatar
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Installing SSL on Shared hosting server

I have beta invitation of I followed there documentation here . But i am unable to install there packages because i have shared hosting server which does not allow to use sudo commands....
Skyyy's user avatar
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3 answers

https certificates for 2 IP addresses on the same server

We are working on a router-like device which can have it’s own access point and be connected to another router. We want to have https on the management web page using a valid certificate (not a self-...
Acampoh's user avatar
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IE/Chrome add permanent SSL certificate exception?

How can I add a permanent SSL certificate exception for certain websites? These sites have certificates signed by some root CA which I do not want to trust. When I tried to manually install the ...
sdaffa23fdsf's user avatar
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Configure WinRM to Use HTTPS makecert.exe Name Syntax

I am trying to enable the remote execution of powershell scripts on a remote server over https using this example. What I do not understand is what value to give for the hostname when generating the ...
dagda1's user avatar
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SSL certificate for CNAME record

I have the CNAME record, which points to the ( 1800 IN CNAME I would like to ask for issuing SSL certificate for the alias....
user269586's user avatar

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