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How do I keep programmatic shortcuts visible in Recent Items?

Using this answer, I can create shortcuts (.lnk files) for various executables and folders. When I use the Recent Items directory (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent) in the ...
mathlete's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete folder in registry entry

I have a question regarding the problem of deleting a folder of a registry path with a .bat or cmd shortcut, preferably a .bat. Here is my problem: I want to delete (for example) the folder "...
DilaraT's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get user defined variables in command prompt like Tab is used to get items in current directory?

I am having more that 10 command to run on cmd. I created variables for whole command. e.g set create_unit=run -data -logfile=log.txt set run_data= run -input=test.xml -output=Test.html To run ...
DigviJay Patil's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to create a command prompt shortcut open as administrator and start in another drive and folder on that server?

I would like to create a cmd.exe shortcut that will open as administrator. I have already done this. The default place it opens is on the C:\Windows\system32. I want it to open on E:\\bin instead. ...
anonymous's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Doskey alias command from a cmd shortcut not working

Opening a cmd prompt and manually issuing my custom doskey macro commands works fine, but I figured that I could save time by creating cmd shortcuts that invoke these commands automatically. So, I ...
Raj Narayanan's user avatar
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Windows security window not showing up when calling shortcut from bat file

I have a shortcut on the desktop which links to a folder on a server. So when I double click it, a security window pops up asking me for my username and password as shown below Now I am trying to ...
Tak's user avatar
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6 answers

Way to open a folder from Windows Explorer in cmd.exe under Windows 10 with one shortcut?

I'm looking for a shortcut kind of way in Windows 10 to open cmd.exe with a directory/folder from the Windows Explorer, so that I have this specific folder as actual working directory in the command ...
RobertS - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot set DNS using command shortcut

I'm trying to set DNS (both primary and secondary) for a network adapter using command prompt. So I created a windows shortcut with the following command: C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe interface ipv4 ...
Neeraj's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How can I make a Windows shortcut that launches Bash and runs commands?

I've created a windows shortcut with a target that looks like "C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe" php /c/script.php (I know I could just use my windows verison of php cli to run this, but out of ...
Keith's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

Create a batch file or shortcut to PuTTY (ssh) that opens a session and runs a command

I often find myself opening an SSH session to run the same single command. I have everything setup to login without entering a password (Via SSH Key-Based Auth), so I wondered if there was a way to ...
FreeSoftwareServers's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to make two shortcuts: Enable+Start service & Disable+Stop any windows service?

But at this time I need only shortcuts for windows update service. I don't keep windows update service running all time but windows store needs windows update service running. I want to enable+start ...
proseosoc's user avatar
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1 answer

Batch code to display target of a desktop application shortcut

I have been working on expanding a basic batch to pull ip information to include other information relevant to my IT department at work. My department does troubleshooting nationwide for our Cisco ...
Michael Alexander's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CMD command redirection (pipes) in shortcut/link on Windows 7?

I'd like to run a Python 3 script silently on system start using a shortcut/link (.lnk) in Autostart. Python's pythonw.exe will run as windowless process with my script only if piping stdout and ...
handle's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

batch current directory when starting as administrator

Background: I like to have my computer clean. Especially I don't like programs and services starting with my windows, but I still want to use all my programs without having to manually start ...
Zaheylu's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to create a shortcut to run a command and then exit?

I was looking for something like this: .bat or .exe file to run "ipconfig /renew" ONCE and then exit. Im planning on making this an autorun cause windows wont identify the network on its own unless ...
user326547's user avatar