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Questions tagged [session-restore]

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4 votes
2 answers

bash terminal that remembers its state when restored from a crash

In Ubuntu, I use the default gnome-terminal to run my commands. I typically have a couple of windows open, each with several tabs. When my OS crashes∗, for whatever reason, and I reboot, I ...
bguiz's user avatar
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How to restore a killed photoshop CS5 session on mac?

MBA with OSX 10.9.1 I was working late on Photoshop CS5 last night, and forgot to save my work. I put the computer to sleep and then went to sleep, but in the morning i needed to restart it to power ...
jskye's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Logging in over ssh in a different session?

I don't know exactly what the correct term is, but I notice if I log in to a remote SSH server, then close the window, open a new one, and log into that server again, my bash history and user ...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
2 votes
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Resume term after ssh disconnect without multiplexer (screen/tmux)

Screen and tmux (like emacs) are fancy feature rich terminal multiplexers designed to let you efficiently manage terminals as if it was 1985 but they just complicate the simple task of resuming an ssh ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Software for resuming a session after restart [duplicate]

I absolutely hate hate HATE restarting my (Windows 8) laptop. The reason for this is because I generally have an awful lot going on at any time, thanks to working on 4 or 5 concurrent projects as well ...
topherg's user avatar
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1 answer

How to execute a cleanup command on tmux server/session exit?

To improve my workflow a little I have written a few wrapper scripts to automatically start some commands when I want to work on a project. When I'm done however, and clean all the tmux tabs for this ...
Wolph's user avatar
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1 answer

What linux terminals support saving layout to what extent?

There is a question Save multiple gnome-terminal layout? it asks if window position, no. of tabs, title etc can be saved across OS reboots, with gnome-terminal. What are the possibilities with other ...
n611x007's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Firefox Add-on that lists all open tabs urls in one tab as text links [closed]

When firefox crashes and restarts there is a "restore previous tabs" page that opens in a single tab in the freshly restarted window. Let's say I had 15 tabs open in one window when FF crashed, links ...
Nicole's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

In Firefox, I accidentally clicked "Start New Session" after a crash. How can I get all my tabs back?

user1264624 asks on another website: After a Firefox crash, I accidentally clicked "Start New Session" instead of "Restore". Unfortunately there is no way to get back to the previous session as the ...
jasonspiro's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Prevent auto-loading of tabs in Firefox when starting browser

I use Tab Mix Plus, and I have the following settings set: "Don't load tab until selected" in Tabs dialog of Firefox is set The "Reload all tabs" in TMP is unselected The setting browser.sessionstore....
Abel's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Saving a Linux session on logout like on suspend

I'm using Debian on a PC in University and want to save my session when I log out. But saving the session should include the window position and their current content just what gets restored after ...
Dane Jacob Hampton's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How do I use Firefox' "sessionstore" files to restore my crashed session?

My Windows XP system crashed. Usually about:sessionrestore shows me my previous session. But this time, after I rebooted, the page appeared blank. I was able to find my sessionsstore files in my ...
Tej's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to restore correct session tabs when Google Chrome crashes [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Chrome crashed without providing “Restore” button My Chrome instance crashed, and when it restarted, it had lost all of my tabs, with no option to restore my tabs. ...
jabley's user avatar
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47 votes
8 answers

How to restore Chrome without "Restore" button and the files "Last Session" and "Last Tabs"?

I was using Chrome halfway when the computer crashed. Usually if I restart and re-run Chrome, there would be a Restore button to recover my lost Chrome session. However, I restarted in Safe Mode, and ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How to restore the window of tabs crashed 1 day ago in Google Chrome

How do you restore the window of tabs crashed 1 day ago in Google Chrome? if I have used another window of many tabs in Chrome for 1 day.
user51210's user avatar
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