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Questions tagged [repository]

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-1 votes
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"Cannot create database 'OSystem'" while starting Sonatype Nexus

While starting Sonatype Nexus, I am getting following error: *SYSTEM - Failed transition: NEW -> STARTED com.orientechnologies.orient.core....
user1016104's user avatar
-2 votes
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powershell repository won't be registered

I tried to register the PSGallery-Repository to use cmdlets like Install-Module. So I used: Register-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -SourceLocation "" -...
Uni_x's user avatar
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Can't use Debian archive repositories, despite having installed debian-archive-keyring and debian-keyring

I'm trying to use some Debian Archive repositories in my sources.list, for testing purposes. I want to be able to search packages from Debian Sarge. My sources.list looks like that: # Stretch (...
Ailothaen's user avatar
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Cloning a private GitHub repo using Atom

I'm trying to clone a private GitHub repo that I'm the owner of using Atom text editor. Using the GitHub:Clone command, I enter a URL like: , and I receive an error ...
user10348034's user avatar
1 vote
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Howto fix outdated backport repository in tails?

i have basically the same problem as Tails additional software unmet dependencies , but cant comment right now. I am running tails 3.12, live version, and adding additional software is not working ...
joddec's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a built-in package management system in Windows?

Does Windows come with a package manager these days? I haven't used Windows in years. I'm hoping it has something similar to yum, apt, pacman, etc. found on various Linux distros. Obviously Windows ...
voices's user avatar
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MongoDB repo for apt-mirror

Must mirror the Debian MongoDB repo for an offline DMZ. Ubuntu works, Debian doesnt. What is wrong here? Works: deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse Does not ...
Stefan W.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Git error [remote rejected] master -> master (shallow update not allowed)

I have created an empty repository on Bitbucket server (run in a Docker container and exposed by NGINX - also run via Docker container) for a Project in a network isolated machine. While setting it up ...
miabot_'s user avatar
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-1 votes
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SVN: How to switch from remote repository to local?

I have an SVN repository on a remote server. My local working copy accesses it through the svn:// protocol. I want to move the repository to my local PC. I've copied the repository over, but when I ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 votes
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Merging two divergent repositories on different remotes

Me and my colleague set up a new repository on both GitHub and GitLab. All was nice, but due to a misunderstanding, he was pushing to GitHub and I was pushing to GitLab. We set up rep mirroring on ...
huB1erTi2's user avatar
0 votes
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How to perform application-consistent backup of Git repo

Imagine I have a bare Git repository on my own hosted server that is used by multiple folks for cloning, pushing, and pulling. What commands would be necessary to get such a repository into a state ...
jia103's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can't add Repositories on Linux Mint

Just tried adding the 'multiverse-repo' only to get the following error: sudo apt add-repository multiverse Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintSources/", ...
Steven Guerrero's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to Publish PowerShell Module to Local Repo that is Dependent on an Externally Managed Module

I've written and compiled a PowerShell module that is essentially a glorified wrapper of the ActiveDirectory module. My module has a proper Module Manifest file as well. I've also created a ...
cyborgcommando0's user avatar
0 votes
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How to get email notification for every git push issued on any github hosted repo

Let's say there is one github repo. (Public/Private) Many developers are working on same repo and doing git push. Now is there any way so once any user commits on that repo.I get email notification ...
Jeegar Patel's user avatar
2 votes
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Where can I find the source code for TempleOS? [closed]

From a Reddit post, TempleOS creator Terry Davis seems to have had a repository on his website People don't believe I wrote my own compiler. All the source code is on all the distros and on my ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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