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Questions tagged [redis]

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Installing redis-server-stack on MacOsx (load command 0x80000034 is unknown) error

I have redis-server running fine. I cant run redis-server-stack. The modules don't seem to be loading. 41188:M 21 Oct 2023 16:35:10.184 # Module /usr/local/Caskroom/redis-stack-server/7.2.0-v4/lib/...
Merlin's user avatar
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Memory optimization of redis-server in an embedded Linux distribution

I'm trying to optimize a redis-server version 6.0.5 installed in an embedded Linux distribution with 2 GByte of RAM. At the moment there aren't particular failure of the redis-server. The output of ...
User051209's user avatar
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Is it possible to use explicit huge pages in redis

I know that Redis does not work well with THB (Transparent Huge Pages), but is it possible to run Redis using explicit 2MB or 1GB HugePages? Unfortunately googling the issue always gives a ton of info ...
HubertNNN's user avatar
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How to cross-compile REDIS for ppc_85xxDP?

When I try to compile redis source code for ppc_85xxDP , I'm getting the following errors. Can someone help me in solving this error ? export TNAME=ppx_85xxDP export ARCH=powerpc export ...
Jayaram18's user avatar
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Redis is blocked from external connections before getting restarted

In my Ubuntu virtual machine in Hyper-V, I have installed Redis and it runs on startup (by doing sudo systemctl enable redis) and I have configured it to bind in the config (...
parpar8090's user avatar
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Connect to Redis in Hyper-V guest machine from host

I want to access Redis, and probably other services in the future which are located on my Hyper-V virtual machine (Ubuntu) from my Windows desktop (the host). Only the guest and host should be able to ...
parpar8090's user avatar
3 votes
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Systemd Refuses to Start Redis Server

I have duplicate redis.conf & /etc/systemd/system/redis.service files on my test and prod servers via scp. Where prod is able to start and run redis with a unix socket. My test server refuses to ...
mjones's user avatar
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How can I install redis server 7 on Ubuntu 22.04?

I'd like to install the newest Redis Server 7 on my Ubuntu 22.04 (I've already installed Redis Server version 6 via standard workflow with apt install). I tried to use a Snap package from https://...
Eddie R's user avatar
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Ansible playbook hangs in interactive mode

If I run the command (redis-cli --cluster create from the host( it prompts me for "yes" and it's working but in ansible ...
rdaniel's user avatar
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Meaning of IPTABLE duplicate values

I'm new to IPTABLES and when I execute the following command /sbin/iptables --list -n | grep 16381 I could see multiple entries as shown below : ACCEPT tcp -- a.b.c.d ...
Jayaram18's user avatar
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Error: connect ECONNREFUSED[nodemon app crashed]

Hi I’m working on a typescript project(express, PostgreSQL) on m1 and I installed Redis to yarn and started the local server (nodemon) and the error was happen. Before I implemented the Redis to my ...
Taiga's user avatar
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Redis mass insert is not working in windows

Am trying to use mass insert feature of redis using a simple command as below. This is the one i have in text file input. "*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nkeys\r\n$5\r\nvalues\r\n" And then i run ...
Raj's user avatar
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redis-server run multiple times binds multiple listening sockets on the same port?

On Windows Server 2019, under WSL I ran by mistake redis-server a 2nd time, and it didn't report a failure in binding the listening socket. Here's the output of netstat: C:\Users\Administrator>...
Aviad P.'s user avatar
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Receiving "Failed to start A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server." after redis installation

I received the following error: Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-21) ... N: Ignoring file 'plesk.list.ai_back' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename I ...
Chrizzly's user avatar
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Start 3 redis instances via systemd

I'd like to start 3 instances of Redis 6 via systemd. System info: root@ubnt:/home/test11# uname -a Linux ubnt 4.15.0-88-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/...
Mr.Kramrogar's user avatar
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difference bwtween redis force failover and automatic failover caused by a master down

I want to use go-redis NewFailoverClinet as a client to set data into my database(redis-3.2.6) in a loop. Result shows using command sentinel failover <MasterName> to trigger failover could ...
uraphaelp's user avatar
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docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint redis-redisjson

I wonder if anyone can help. I tried to install reJSON using Docker on a Raspberry PI but got some errors. Then as I couldn't figure out what to do about the errors tried a few things but nothing ...
RonV's user avatar
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How do I get a channel layer from Django-Channels lib to communicate with Redis in Oracle VM using Docker Toolbox?

I am using Django Channels and am trying to make sure that a channel layer can communicate with Redis. However, I have Windows 10 Home edition which means I had to use Docker Toolbox to create an ...
William Tran's user avatar
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My production server was breached and I found this script. Is it a decoy?

A few days ago my VPS came under heavy load from spammers trying ssh attacks and script injections. I have since added new fail2ban regexps and new security measures for REDIS where it looks like they ...
L1ght5p33D's user avatar
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Could not connect to Redis at Cannot assign requested address

I tried connect to redis server but I can't. $ redis-cli Could not connect to Redis at Cannot assign requested address $ telnet localhost 6379 Trying telnet: Unable to ...
Konstantin Liuterovich's user avatar
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How do I open a port on Linux Mint (VirtualBox guest) for the Redis Server?

FWIW, I posted a related programming question on Stack Overflow over here. I installed a Linux Mint on the VirtualBox to test a Redis Server I installed on. The Linux machine is linked with the ...
serge's user avatar
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Docker: Is there a way I can check if Redis is being used as a cache for PostgreSQL server?

I have a set of docker containers communicating over a network via Docker Compose (one of them is redis and one of them is postgreSQL). I did a Wireshark capture on the communicating containers and I ...
Bob K's user avatar
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Redis : Can't handle RDB format version 9 Ubuntu 18.04

Following the indications in here: Redis-QuickStart I installed in my Ubuntu 18.04.01 Server Edition the latest stable Redis release : and tested the result of ...
user2315094's user avatar
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Redis cluster failing over too frequently

Out of 12 masters, 4 masters failed over same time not sure about the reasons. Couldn't find much from slowlog. We have configured only 1 slave whenever fail-over happens master link status will be ...
Nitesh Bv's user avatar
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Redis fails to start after reboot ("Can't open the log file: Permission denied")

I've ran into a problem with my Redis 4.09 installation on Ubuntu 18.04. Each time I reboot the machine the /var/log/redis/redis-server.log ends up being owned by www-data:www-data: # namei -l /var/...
Alphakilo23's user avatar
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Why does redis need write permissions for redis.conf?

I just installed redis on an Ubuntu server. When I examined its file permissions, I saw -rw-r----- 1 redis redis 59124 Jan 11 02:24 /etc/redis/redis.conf Why does the redis user need write access to ...
tcjulian's user avatar
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Original Redis Master does not become "good" slave after failover

I have setup a 3 node HA redis cluster with Sentinel monitors on each of the nodes. I have the following configuration: RedisA - Master RedisB - Replica RedisC - Replica with 3 Sentinels watching the ...
Adriaan's user avatar
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Can not uninstall redis-server in Ubuntu?

I was trying to install Redis on Ubuntu using: sudo apt install redis-server The process partially installed and timed-out and the redis-service was not installed. After that I tried to remove the ...
motam79's user avatar
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Redis rdb persistence quite slow

My two nodes in a Redis cluster have quite different persistence performance. The master node is always much faster than the slave one when saving data to disk. Here is the persistence info for master:...
Andrea Lau's user avatar
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Redis socket permissions caught between /var/run and http

I'd like my PHP web application (run as user apache) to connect to redis via a UNIX socket. So I thought of running redis as user apache as well and the socket permissions can be 0700 owned by apache. ...
Johannes Ernst's user avatar
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Can't start Redis Server on Ubuntu 16.04

I can't get redis server to start on Ubuntu 16.04. I installed via this repo I double checked the systemd redis.service file and it looks fine. it points to the binaries. Systemctl Status Redis-...
Sandman007's user avatar
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Php permission denied on connection to /tmp/redis.socket on cpanel

I have installed redis on my Cpanel Centos 6.9 VPS and successfully connected to it via tcp. I wanted to share redis.socket connection instead of tcp with several users on my vps but failing to do so ...
Andrius Solopovas's user avatar
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Redis Sentinel sdown at start up

I'm experiencing a weird issue. When I try to launch Redis in sentinel mode, such as: redis-sentinel /path/to/sentinel.conf everything was working, but a few seconds later, it puts the state +...
Illoxx Jyloxx's user avatar
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Redis on azure debian vm - connect ETIMEDOUT

I made a Debian 9 VM on Azure, I also installed MariaDB, PHPMyAdmin, and node with pm2. With this, I set in inbound rules port 80 for HTTP, 3306 for MySQL and port 6379 for the Redis. when i try to ...
Achiel Volckaert's user avatar
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Can't Install Openvas on Kali

I've can't solve this problem. Trying to install Openvas on Kali. I'm surprised by the amount of problems I'm facing to install a program on this OS. I've used apt-get install openvas Done. Then I ...
Hansol Bolo's user avatar
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How can BGREWRITEAOF return ERR?

The documentation for BGREWRITEAOF states that BGREWRITEAOF always returns the string value OK. Well, today I sent BGREWRITEAOF to my redis-server 2.6.7 and received (error) ERR in response. ...
Jacob Krall's user avatar
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Windows 10 Linux Subsystem Redis not auto-starting

I have installed Redis on Windows 10 Linux Subsystem. I followed the instructions available at and I have taken care that I followed all the steps mentioned in ...
Jignesh Gohel's user avatar
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Problems to connect with remote redis-server

I have two Amazon-EC2 instance let's say A and B. B has redis-server installed. I want to access B from A So I am trying A$ redis-cli -h B_ip -p 6379 Could not connect to Redis at B_ip:6379: ...
Avinash's user avatar
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Redis will not start via bitbar / brew services start

Trying to get redis managed via bitbar's brew services plugin, I cannot; it silently fails, and running brew services start redis also silently fails. Equally, brew services list shows it as started, ...
user208769's user avatar
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kill: 5656 : arguments must be process or job IDs

Having redis-server ON (launched with redis-server &). Running this command in a terminal works perfectly: kill -s SIGTERM "`pgrep redis-server`" But in a script it outputs the following ...
Hellfar's user avatar
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Can I gracefully restart httpd, redis and php-fpm without affecting my website visitors?

I'm running a fairly resource-heavy Magento-based site via a combination of Apache httpd, redis and php-fpm. When I make changes to core PHP files, it's necessary to restart the above services to ...
WackGet's user avatar
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How to make redis work locally?

I've got a redis db. Now I need to make it work locally. I mean I want it to be accessable on my local machine only. No requests over network. How can I do it? I found redis.conf with the following ...
2 votes
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redis Error: Server closed the connection

I have 6 nodes in a redis cluster - 3 master and 3 slaves. All the nodes are running just fine except for one master and it's slave. On this troublesome master, when i run the command (on either ...
The Georgia's user avatar
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Get client’s full last command (including key) from Redis

Redis’s client list will give you the last command issued by client. It does not give you the key that last command was issued on. What I would like to get is the list key a client is doing BLPOP on. ...
Jeremiah's user avatar
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How to calculate number of possible records in Redis per 32GB of memory?

In my company are talking about the possibility to build some part of our backend in Redis instead of mongodb but we want to calculate how many records we will be able to store in a server with 32G. ...
midudev's user avatar
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