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Questions tagged [python3]

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pip3 install cytoolz web3 : EOF ran out of input

Working on Fedora 29, I want to install, using pip. In theory sudo pip3 install web3 works, but I get the following error: ERROR: Complete output from command python egg_info: ERROR: ...
Valentin O.'s user avatar
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vpython not working on windows subsystem for linux

I am trying to run a simple code in vpython to check if everything works ok with the module. My code looks like: from vpython import * scene=canvas() scene.width=550 scene.height=550 scene.height=...
rodrykbyk's user avatar
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How to keep turtle coordinates constant across screen sizes

I have a program in Python that uses an image. The image is a little large, and because of that when it is opened by python, the entire image isn't visible on some computers (it fits vertically, but ...
Bob Johnson's user avatar
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3 answers

Python:: how to put double quotes for values in a list [closed]

In Python Scripting, I have a string abc=[9874,209384,20938] I want the output as abc=["9874","209384","20938"] My efforts got me "9874" "209384" "20938" but I want like this ["9874","209384","...
bruce_karlo's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

qtpy.PythonQtError: No Qt bindings could be found

I had anaconda running on my machine. few days ago i had to update some of the libraries because they were outdated. after the update, I was not able to launch anaconda-navigator or spyder anymore due ...
samhar's user avatar
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Drag'n'drop doesn't work if app launched via python script from windows powershell

I have a QT app that I download and launch on Windows. If I launch it manually from Windows Explorer, I can use drag&drop to load files. If I launch the very same app via a python script from ...
tuexss's user avatar
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Installed Python, but cannot run `pip`

I installed Python 3.7.3 on Windows 10. From the command line, if I enter pip I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'pip' is not ...
Pietro's user avatar
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How to install python-docx for Python3

This seems a basic question, but I cannot find the answer. Running Mint 19.1 I have installed python-docx with sudo pip install python-docx If I run python it runs python 2.7.15 and ...
Mick Sulley's user avatar
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Pycharm and python files [closed]

For some reason every time i create a python file on pycharm it becomes a file of type pycharm and not type python. I cant fix this issue because of my lack of knowledge with computers and what not. ...
Julio721's user avatar
5 votes
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_tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display "localhost:0.0" matplotlib bash on windows

Insipired by the problems with displaying matplotlib used in a Python script using the terminal of the Bash (Ubuntu) on Windows, I have followed the instructions listed in the first answer. However, ...
fgh's user avatar
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Error Intstalling Python3 on macOS Mojave

I'm trying to install python3 on a Mac running macOS Mojave but am running into trouble. First, I updated homebrew and ran the command xcode-select --install. Then, I ran the command brew install ...
P_Locked's user avatar
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Regular expression to Remove html tags and Data between those tags

I have tried a lot of things but still unable to figure out due to greedy nature of regular expression abc = 'dfbafbd<a href="#Free_Calling_Best_Apps">Free Calling Best Apps</a>...
abhav luthra's user avatar
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Unable to do 'pip install version' with a Python import error - ImportError: cannot import name 'izip_longest'

I am trying to fix an error: import version ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'version' So I tried pip install version which gave me the error below: from itertools import izip_longest ...
Vizag's user avatar
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Frame extraction using FFmpeg in Python

I want to extract frames from a multiple videos but when I ran the script, I encountered this error: ffmpeg version N-93562-g3e10223385 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers ...
thesisIt_'s user avatar
3 votes
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Anaconda 4.6.11: Python interpreter is in a conda environment, but the environment has not been activated

Although I have been using Anaconda for some time, the latest version has introduced some interesting behavior that I had not experienced. First, there is a warning showing up. WARNING: The ...
Miguel Tapia's user avatar
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When running a python program in the terminal, an error is produced not related to the code (windows)

So, I've recently written a python program and wanted to run it in the terminal. However, every time i try to run it, the error "'x' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable ...'s user avatar
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pip3 dateparser gives error with gcc

I run Mac High Sierra and got python3 via brew. I wanted to pip3 dateparser, but got this error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 I followed a hint from
olli's user avatar
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Why does creating an Anaconda Virtual Environment in Pycharm give a Time Out error?

In Pycharm, whenever I try to create a Conda virtual environment, I am getting Time Out errors. Here is how I am creating the virtual environment: And this is the error message I receive no matter ...
exan's user avatar
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Package pillow installed but unable to be imported

I have anaconda with python 3 installed in windows 7 64 bits. Due to inexperience, I don't know why I ended up with a custom version of anaconda as shown # Name Version ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Matplotlib - Basemap Installation Error

Installed basemap via pip pip3 install --user git+ from mpl_tooklits.basemap import Basemap I get the error module 'pyproj' has no attribute 'pyproj_datadir'...
Andre Fu's user avatar
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Bulding Python 3.7 from source

I am struggling to bould Python 3.7 from source on Linux Mint 18.3 Some problem with gcc. Am I using outdated version of gcc? Here is what the configure script of python3.7 writes to standard ...
boldi's user avatar
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I'm getting an error indicating that the file path has a space in the name when installing Anaconda on Windows 10

When installing Anaconda3 2018.12 (64-bit) on Windows 10, I'm getting an error indicating that the file path has a space in the name ('Program Files' directory on my C:\ drive), and that some Conda ...
alofgran's user avatar
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Run distributed Pytorch with OpenMPI across LAN and Virtual LAN nodes

Run distributed Pytorch with OpenMPI across LAN and Virtual LAN nodes I have two Ubuntu nodes, having distributed PyTorch and heterogeneous OpenMPI installed from source. They both can connect to ...
Shakeel Anjum's user avatar
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sphinx autodoc: ModuleNotFoundError with sphinc-quickstart

Just installed Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS on a fresh virtual box this morning and I'm trying to re-invigorate a project I had running on my legacy VBox/Ubuntu environment. I'm stumbling with getting sphinx ...
Danlger's user avatar
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Module only installs to Python 2 and I can't access it from Python 3

I'm trying to install wxPython on macOS and I have both Python 2.7 and Python 3 installed in parallel. I've written a wxPython Hello World program in both versions. It works in Python 2, but in ...
user1012238's user avatar
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Pygame 1.94 for Python 3.7.2 on OS X El Capitan Install Error

Tried pretty much anything you can find in a search. Can't get around this error. Installed pygame with pip3. $ python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens pygame 1.9.4 Hello from the pygame community. https://...
Woolwit's user avatar
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Bokeh installation on Raspberry Pi 3

Hi have any one tried installing Bokeh on a Raspberry Pi? I get this error when I try to generate a plot into an html file: python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", ...
Mads Munk's user avatar
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How come my Tkinter entry boxes are classified as "NoneType"?

I am trying to make a tkinter program that calculates the land transfer tax. When I run this code, it gives me the following error when I try to calculate it: Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (...
Jerry Cui's user avatar
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Tensorflow 1.12 gives warning 'tf.estimator package not installed.' on import

On my machine, I am currently trying to get tensorflow to work, which I installed using sudo pip3 install 'tensorflow-gpu==1.12'. This installation looks like it succeeded, except that importing ...
joeytje50's user avatar
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Why is Sublime Text 3.2 highlighting commas after values that start with "for" in Python dictionaries?

In the most recent version of Sublime Text (3.2 Build 3200), I have encountered what I think is a syntax highlighting error when writing in Python. Whenever I create a dictionary that has a key/value ...
kloddant's user avatar
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Iterm2: ^[[A, ^[[B Appearing on python3 interpreter

I am using macOS Mojave and Iterm2: 3.2.7beta4. This is an issue I am seeing with python3 interpreter. When I type the arrow keys to move the cursor or to run the last command, I see ^[[A, (with up ...
user3527975's user avatar
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Readline for Python 3.6 on Mac 10.14

I have Python 3.6.5 on Mac 10.14. In the Python interpreter, editing/navigation shortcuts (such as arrows, ^e, ^a, etc.) do not work, instead giving me escape chars, e.g.: Python 3.6....
Vlad K.'s user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.core' [duplicate]

I am on Ubuntu 18.04 in my PC. I installed PyCharm. But when I tried to run a simple print 'hello world', it showed a pop-up to install Python Packaging Tools. When clicked on install, it showed the ...
Deepam Gupta's user avatar
4 votes
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Git-Bash not running Python3 as expected, hanging issues

I will try to be as descriptive but brief as possible... I have been using GitBash in that past on Win10 successfully. I came back to my Windows machine after not using it for a bit and can't seem to ...
Justin's user avatar
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Python: nmap.PortScanner() Path error [closed]

So as I imported python-nmap library to my interpreter: import nmap nm = nmap.PortScanner() nmap.PortScanner() somehow shows me the following error. The installed python-nmap is 0.6.1 version, but ...
Akram Al-Ghammari's user avatar
5 votes
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RuntimeError: has been deprecated. Use 'pip install im ageio-ffmpeg' instead.' [closed]

I am getting this error when trying to import moviepy.editor. >>> import moviepy.editor Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "C:\...
Shah's user avatar
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Install PIP while non-root user gives ModuleNotFoundError

I am trying to install PIP on a server which I do not have root access. I managed to download using wget Though when I try to run the following: ...
Gugmi's user avatar
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Package installation pycharm

I'm having a problem with pycharm packages, because they are installed. If I list them, they are installed. When I try to use pandas I get this error: Missing required dependencies {0}".format(...
Sofia's user avatar
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Create file.desktop on ubuntu for a Qt GUI Script

I have a simple GUI script written in python3 ,Qt5. in folder of project exist an icon folder that are contain icons used in app.I created a app.desktop file in "/usr/share/applications/" : [Desktop ...
mohamadreza ch's user avatar
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Upgrading Python pip uninstalls old version but doesn’t install the new one

After installing some new packages using Python's pip, I received a message saying that I should consider upgrading its version: You are using pip version 18.1, however version 19.0.1 is available. ...
DOS's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change default python executable on Windows 10?

I have an installation of python on my C drive, but since I have no admin rights I am unable to install modules into the same. error: could not create 'C:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\...
Adnan Arif Sait's user avatar
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Python 3.6 not found as a choice of applications in Ubuntu 18.04 properties

Despite extensive research, trial-n-error, uninstalling and re-installing, I can not get any of my python scripts to run from other than a terminal command line. The scripts once had the python icon, ...
Robert J Ricks Jr's user avatar
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Using command line to bypass "Missing parentheses in call to 'print'"

I have a Python file containing print "bar" code. When I want to python my code, here is the error : SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Do you know how to avoid this ...
Kevin VALERIO's user avatar
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Kivy Window unable to load

I have been trying to use Kivy for a while now but no matter how many strategies I use I keep getting the error message: sdl2 - ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. ...
Brian's user avatar
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Where does pip look for wheel files?

I want to install TensorFlow with pip:pip install tensorflow as shown on the original site but i got error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: ) ...
Mirakul's user avatar
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How do I get my Django + React Application running in production mode on apache2 with Pipenv?

I am doing a group project with Django and React and each of us has been given its own VM to run it on. At the moment we are only able to start a development server for Django with the "runserver" ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Python 3.7.1 Crashes When I Open File On Mac OS X

When I open a python file with IDLE 3.7.1, it crashes after a few seconds. Sometimes, if I run the script, it would not crash. Even if I don't do anything, it crashes. I'm not sure what is causing ...
Ariki's user avatar
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Pyinstaller "Failed to execute script" error with --noconsole option

I've gone through all of Pyinstaller's debugging steps and I'm kind of at my wit's end here, which is why I'm turning to this. I'm attempting to make the switch to Python3 by writing some simple ...
Ruri's user avatar
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Installation of Pytorch GPU Windows

I was trying to install pytorch gpu(Windows) using the command: conda install -c anaconda pytorch-gpu. But it is throwing the following error---- PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not ...
user985657's user avatar
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How to make python use latest SQLite

I already did the following: 1. Going over to this url: I will download 'sqlite-autoconf-3260000.tar.gz' which is version 3.26.0 2. assuming it's in my Downloads ...
Thiplol's user avatar

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