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Questions tagged [permissions]

Access and restrictions of files, documents, accounts, computers, etc.

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How to disable Mac security settings

My story in a nutshell (why I want to do what I'm describing below): my /usr/bin/ld is broken and it's broken for a at least a year it seems. I have a friend of mine with a version of ld from 2023 ...
Alex Zhukovskiy's user avatar
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OneDrive downloaded files with wrong permissions

We have a Windows Server 2019 that has OneDrive configured. The OneDrive folder is being shared at the same time as a shared drive on users computers. There are a few users that have direct access to ...
Yunxie's user avatar
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Linux chmod o+x does not allow me to traverse directory if I don't have self or group access [duplicate]

The permissions on a directory are drwxr--r-x. I am not the owning user, but I am a member of the group that owns the directory, although that group is not given access. As a member of :other", ...
fireblood's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does Minecraft require an elevated command prompt to run despite admin permissions already being granted?

My son's Minecraft server is running as one of my Hyper-V Guest OS systems. It decided to have a meltdown this weekend. I was able to grab all of the data. However, I started having an interesting ...
Nathon's user avatar
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"CreateWithURL err=1 (Operation not permitted)" when importing photos on macOS Sonoma

I copied several thousand photos off of a network drive onto my local drive and I'm trying to import them into Photos. Several hundred of them had an "Unknown Error" importing, so I opened ...
David Merrick's user avatar
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Editing permissions of resource on outlook calender

One of my coworkers who is responsible for our company resources asked me as an admin to give him permissions on MS Outlook to maintain and edit specific resources. These resources are reflecting in 2 ...
Minja Culic's user avatar
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Unable to set permissions for power operations under Debian Bookworm

I am building a server under Debian Bookworm that it is to be used basically to read and save old tapes. The concept is to have the box full of units and be seldomly used and, when this occurs use a ...
Borg Drone's user avatar
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File showing permission denied [closed]

While changing Windows from HDD to SSD, I accidentally deleted the 500MB disk that contains some HDD Windows files. Now after installation of Windows onto a SSD. I tried to open some Word files, that ...
Hõt Kíñg's user avatar
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Run script elevated as different user on remote machine

I have a Windows Scheduled Task that runs a Powershell script file A.ps1. This task runs mostly locally and does NOT need elevation/administrator access. However, a few steps need to run on a remote ...
Joel Coehoorn's user avatar
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Teams Owner connection to SharePoint severed, anyway to restore this?

I'm a user with no powershell or admin centre access (but I could contact someone who does). Our SharePoint site (made from a Teams team) was having strange member behaviour where they couldn't edit ...
Lebene's user avatar
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LINUX - ownership inheritance of parent dir not working, only group is applied

Ownership inheritance of parent dir not working, only group 'apache' is applied Owner should be 'apache' but is 'root' OS: rocky linux 9, selinux - getenforce : Permissive umask 002 umask: ----- 0002 ...
John9870's user avatar
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Partially shared home: dual boot, same /home partition, one user per OS, same UIDs for perms, but different home dirs

Here is a general outline of what I want to achieve, given that I am the only user of my computer: Dual boot with 2 Linux OS Easily share (read/write, probably no execute) some of the data accessed ...
Numbra's user avatar
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Execute windows exe files on wsl after metadata,umask=022, fmask=111

WSL can't run any exe files after I added options = "metadata,umask=022,fmask=111" to wsl config. The reason I did this is so I can share ssh keys from a parent windows machine. So I would ...
user1016976's user avatar
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NetMod Error "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions"

I am using an application called NetMod, and I am using an SSH configuration. However, the problem is that when I press start, I cannot connect, and the log shows the message: An attempt was made to ...
Yakame Program80's user avatar
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How to set Linux directory permission for writers?

I have an directory called Videos , and its permission is 3775, owned by triplez:writers. drwxr-xr-x root root / drwxrwxrwx root root usbhdd drwxrwsr-t triplez writers Videos When the ...
TripleZ's user avatar
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What is the concept of permissions under security tab versus sharing tab?

I have a shared folder. When I right click on it and click properties, then, Under security tab I can see list of users. Under sharing tab, under permissions I can see a list of users. It looks like ...
variable's user avatar
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How to manage permissions for IIS sites with 'Authenticated Users' group

Have multiple sites (2) hosted on IIS with PHP. Each site runs under its own application pool, therefore each instance of w3wp.exe (IIS Worker Process) and php-cgi.exe runs under the respective ...
M_D's user avatar
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Unable to access an specific image on a local web server

This seems like a newbie question but it's driving me crazy. I'm updating a banner image on a web site I maintain but the new image refuses to display. I'm getting permission errors such as "...
Gary Dale's user avatar
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Minimal permissions for EXCEL COM operations

I have a situation where i'm trying to limit the required permissions for an account that leverages Excel COM / process operations. Worth to be noted, this account is an AD Managed Service Account. ...
Segfault's user avatar
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Some keys created under HKEY_CURRENT_USER do not receive ACL for the current user

I've banged my head against this case for the past few weeks, but couldn't find any explanation - my application creates keys under HKCU\Software\[app_name]\[inner_app_key], but I've received a number ...
Loqaritm's user avatar
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Homebrew httpd showing Error 256 on Sonoma due to Permission denied AH00091 when opening error_log

I am creating this question because this problem caused me 2 weeks of headache, and I found many other users online who experienced the same issue and were unable to find a solution. Computer M1 ...
GeorgeCiesinski's user avatar
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I have not been able to change security permissions on a laptop that I am the administrator of, could Bitdefender be the cause of the issue?

I have not been able to change security permissions on a laptop that i am the administrator of. Could Bitdefender be the cause of the issue? I am running windows 10 Home on a Lenovo laptop, and have ...
Charles Chasen's user avatar
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Mounting drive with mount command and fstab do not work as intended

I have two external USB drives which I would like to be mounted to specific directories which are owned by my user. A script runs on startup which mounts all my drives in their specific locations ...
Nisarg Desai's user avatar
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Windows 10. Lost access to my files as administrator

I am the administrator and I can no longer access my files in d drive. I can not change the access permissions back either even if running Explorer.exe as administrator. I was trying to create a ...
Bradley Hayes's user avatar
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How do I grant permissions to a local Windows group to work with an elevated process?

Is there a way to grant read/write/execution permissions to a local Windows group with PowerShell, enabling non-admin users to interact with a single elevated process? For instance, Docker Desktop ...
V. Pravi's user avatar
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Issue when creating a new user and group on macOS

I need to create a user and a group called postgres on my mac but I seem to have issues with that. The reason for needing this user is because I've installed postgresql@15 via brew and it created a ...
Ax M's user avatar
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Is it not recommended to use unprivileged users to insmod drivers in Linux?

Background: Unprivileged users can use CAP_SYS_MODULE capability to insert module to kernel. Insmod a ko include load driver and driver init. My issue: My test driver will crate debugfs at ...
Nichel's user avatar
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Device Manager - Windows changes power settings without my permission

I have a touchpad problem with my settings in Device Manager in Windows 11. I have drivers that control the touchpad on my laptop (Dell Precision 7780). I have set the "Allow the computer to turn ...
sparaps's user avatar
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Permission denied error when executing file or plugin

I'm trying to create a packer build as follows, and am getting permission denied. As I'm also seeing the same problem when trying to execute a shell script, I think the root cause may be an OS layer ...
Burvil's user avatar
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Obtaining Permission to Open Local Disk D

while I was checking the permissions of users, I accidentally put a tick on deny for read and write for local disk D. When I try to go to the security tab of properties again, it says you need to ...
VoltVirtuoso's user avatar
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Moving Harddisk to another computer make files have weird owners

So the owner of the group or usernames is S-15-21-17 bla bla bla.... I can't open the file. The only way I know how to fix this is to right click one by one and then change ownership one by one. ...
user4951's user avatar
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Is it safe to grant special permission "s" to traceroute.db?

I have two traceroute programs installed and I've noticed that they don't have the same permissions: ~$ ls -l /usr/bin/inetutils-traceroute -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 60184 August 23, 2023 /usr/bin/...
mazda's user avatar
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How do I add a user with "Full Control" permissions to folder without changing owner of the folder (I.E.) Administrators, using the command line?

I want a command-line solution to add a local user account to the permissions table for a directory and grant the account full access... WITHOUT changing the ownership of the directory. I'm looking ...
fmotion1's user avatar
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Permissions error in directories used by Docker and application I am developing

I have run a docker container mysql from my own application development on C#, and configured data persistence to this path: C:\ProgramData\Persistence\data\mysql When i start everything goes well ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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rootless podman container needs access to host's SSL cert and key - what's the correct thing to do here?

As the title says, I need a rootless podman container to have access to SSL keys (created with certbot, of course) from the host (Fedora CoreOS, SELinux active) machine, since the main server on the ...
Alexis Purslane's user avatar
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Corrupted file yields in error "The file cannot be accessed by the system" when accessing WSL app

This is a well known error, but the common solutions don't seem to work and I'm also seeing something else that I think is new, I'll go through each troubleshooting step because I hope some of them ...
maja's user avatar
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granting privileges to user in postgresql

I'm trying to setup a new project with a Postgresql 15.5 database. I have a running instance. If I create a new database psql --command "create database \"tagger-db\"" create a ...
marcosh's user avatar
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How to be able to access all folders on Ubuntu when using Visual Studio Code Remote?

I have my user which seem to be in the sudo group: myuser@server:~$ groups myuser myuser : myuser adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev But when I use Visual Studio remote with SSH, it doesn't give me the ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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Create file on AD samba share: Permission denied

I am setting up a samba active directory server (inside fmstrat docker container) on ubuntu server 22.04. After some trial on error I achieved: hosting an AD server on my ubuntu server joining a ...
bas's user avatar
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Is there any way to prevent a non-admin user from executing "launchctl unload" on macOS?

I started using a well-known program for self-control on MacOS called Cold Turkey. This program is very powerful, but it's not enough since I can open a Terminal as a non-admin user and execute the ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Why am I getting an “Access Denied” error for an external hard drive folder?

I know this question has been asked before, but I've tried multiple solutions and none worked. I am trying to access a folder [Local Disk] on my external hard drive, but it says Access Denied. I made ...
Ehab salama's user avatar
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Unlock all handwritten notes in a pdf document

I wrote a word document and got it back from a reviewer as an annotated pdf file with handwritten notes (I guess they were made on a tablet or sth.) To finalize my document, I would like to include ...
Jan T.'s user avatar
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Debian 12 and NTFS permissions

Back in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS I could copy to and from NTFS partitions without problems. Practically all apps had access to everything. Then there was an accident that made me not just upgrade to 22 but ...
Edward's user avatar
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Can't delete TEMP folder under windows, permission error. Windows server 2019

Operating System: Windows server 2019 The problem: One of our servers has a lot of accumulated files under c:\windows\temp folder. Disk cleaner doesn't seem to delete those files - it always reports ...
Amir Shachar's user avatar
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SSH Connection - Permission denied on MacBook

I am having problems with my newly setup Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server. My goal is to access the server via SSH from my laptop. But I cannot connect and get an "Permission denied" error after ...
SJF's user avatar
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How to determine if there's access to the Exchange Admin Center as a user?

Just looking to disable read receipts in Outlook. AI says: Copilot To disable read receipts from email settings, you can follow these steps: 1. Sign into your Office admin account ...
Nick's user avatar
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Firefox has permission to start wpa_supplicant when calling navigator.geolocation

I've been dealing with some annoying attacks lately, and got super paranoid after discovering wpa_supplicant.service running as it definitely should not be on this particular machine. After a little ...
Dale's user avatar
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Is it possible to temporarily disable or block a samba share without server restart?

I have Linux server hosting separate samba share for users on some windows clients (each user would have a linux client also accessing their share) (users have authenticator app on separate devices). ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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How to view a jpg file which was recovered after being deleted and it's attribute was checked to hidden before deletion?

I had a photo which I turned to hidden because it was a personal photo which I didn't want others to see. I then deleted it permanently in haste but I needed it again. I then downloaded Recuva after ...
User's user avatar
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Setting up the group permissions in samba throughout archlinux

I wanted to set up the permissions for the group on linux, so members can access the group on windows. I coded it in archlinux and it looks like this : [test] path = /srv/smbtest/test valid users =...
Minja Culic's user avatar

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