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Questions tagged [openvpn]

OpenVPN is a free and open source software SSL VPN solution. It allows secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections with routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities.

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OpenVPN: How to reach a specific ip on client network side (TAP-DEV)?

I have the following task: LOCAL-PC -> VPN-SERVER -> VPN_CLIENT1 ( -> TARGET ( -> VPN_CLIENT2 ( -> TARGET ( ...
mts's user avatar
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How to generate unique key pair for unique client device with easyrsa3 for vpn

Have this requirement, where the client cerification generate for a user shouldn't be exported or used from a different device and make a successful vpn connection. I was following this steps to ...
amateur's user avatar
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OpenVPN traffic through TLS-enabled TCP connection

I have to obfuscate OpenVPN traffic. So I created a TLS-enabled TCP tunnel with socat, and I want to pass OpenVPN traffic through this tunnel. Server: sudo socat openssl-listen:443,cert=/home/ubuntu/...
Mustafa Chelik's user avatar
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OpenVPN: How to reach a specific ip on client network side?

I have the following constellation: LOCAL-PC <---> VPN-SERVER <---> VPN-CLIENT <---> TARGET I want to reach "TARGET" from "LOCAL-PC". What I did: a) on "...
mts's user avatar
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How app can obtain openvpn server cert on the client?

openvpn client can connect to the server and is live. The task is for the app installed on client machine to get the server certificate used during negotiations and monitor its expiration. I found the ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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openvpn to display user name in status log (w/o authentication)

I did some research and it seems it requires some more time while the problem (seemingly) simple, requiring probably some simple exact steps to follow. Situation: openvpn server is authenticating ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How do you reverse tunnel to a different local ip

I have a reverse tunnel following this answer... How to get a persistent reverse SSH tunnel using autossh? Both ends are RaspberryPis. MotionEyeOS is on a eero router with no routing options and a ...
user2909029's user avatar
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OpenVPN I can't connect computers inside the server LAN?

I'm trying to set up an OpenVPN connection, I can connect to the VPN using my client, but I can't connect to other devices on the server network topology Network config IPEnableRouter Server router - ...
Andrew Brazil's user avatar
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Routing traffic comming to OpenVPN Access Server to the VPN not working

I tried to google almost everything, but I am lost now. I spent about two days of trying to set this up. Can anybody help me? The Problem: I must have the main home router from my ISP. But they are ...
TheMiki525's user avatar
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OpenVPN appears unable to assign IP address using sinology DSM

I'm trying to get an iPhone to connect to my VPN server. I have it working for two phones but a third fails with the following in the iOS client: [Sep 05, 2023, 22:36:00] EVENT: ASSIGN_IP [Sep 05, ...
User7391's user avatar
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Verify whether a tun interface (created by OpenVPN) offers access to the Internet

My machine hosts 9 network interfaces: the physical one, eth0, and 8 created by OpenVPN clients (tun0, tun1, ... tun7). Each of these interfaces should offer Internet access. But sometimes some don't, ...
Blue Nebula's user avatar
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Creating own VPN-server for external users

I'm trying to set up a VPN-server from my home router so that external users (from other countries) could connect to it. Basically, I want it to work this way: External User (IP-address "A") ...
JunGi's user avatar
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OpenVPN asks for key passphrase on an unencrypted key

I've been using OpenVPN on Windows 10 for years to connect to a remote network. Not a single problem. The remote server runs either on a Raspberry Pi or a Windows PC (can't look it up now). ...
ygoe's user avatar
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OpenVPN Ethernet Bridging doesn't work, no access from client to internal

My Environment: Host PC is on Windows 11, with VM Ware. There is a virtual machine (Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS) in VM Ware, with bridged virtual network card. Everything with network and Internet works fine ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Need to force Mac Address on OpenVPN virtual network device

I need to use a software that connects to a server, that server validates the client-PC checking with the MacAddress of the network card. On local, no issues... on remote no issues but, I want to use ...
exodus's user avatar
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Routing traffic from from VPS to socks (redsocks+iptables)

I have an OpenVPN server running on a VPS with OpenVPN client running on my computer. I'm trying to route my client's traffic over an external 4g proxy after it reaches the OpenVPN server so my vps IP ...
Rimcus's user avatar
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OpenVPN intercepts local Samba traffic between Laptop and PC over WiFi (Windows)

I have a weird problem with OpenVPN - it seems it somehow intercepts 'local' traffic. I have PC + Notebook, both are in parallel connected to each other via: WiFi - network 192.168.0.x OpenVPN over ...
Xtra Coder's user avatar
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Program wont connect through OpenVPN

I have a MAC M1 that needs to run a windows native app (no MAC option of such app) and to do so I installed a Windows 11 arm x64 with VmWare Fusion - the app that runs needs to connect to SQL on my ...
exodus's user avatar
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is it possible to OpenVPN connection UDP through SSH tunnel?

Hi i search a lot on the Internet, especially in this site and read more post and articles about using OpenVPN connection through SSH tunnel but all tutorials about using TCP protocol to do that. in ...
minttux's user avatar
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Is an open port for VPN protected from hackers?

I'm trying to implement a VPN. I read about configuring VPN servers on Windows (built-in), and also several 3d party software like OpenVPN etc. But all these require a port to be opened in the router ...
alex's user avatar
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OpenVPN headless on Debian 11.7 IP does not change

I have a ProtonVPN paid account. I want to use it on my VPS server (so in headless), to change my ip. Their client does not work in headless mode, so I use OpenVPN. I download the Linux config file on ...
user2178964's user avatar
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Unable to reach all hosts behind OpenVPN via Netgear R7000 running FreshTomato

I have OpenVPN running on an Netgear R7000 via FreshTomato firmware. I am able to connect remotely to the VPN just fine. However, I cannot ping all the hosts behind the VPN. For instance, the remote ...
user448088's user avatar
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Viscosity VPN on macOS blocks non-Apple app traffic

I will try to describe the issue the best that I can... but the real problem is, I have no idea what could be causing this. I have a VPN set up, which is being used to access a company server (...
Programen's user avatar
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I am trying to mimic the connection of my softether vpn to setup a openvpn with TLS 1.2 instead of SSL

I am trying to setup a openvpn with tls 1.2 instead of ssl with tcp, as in this screenshot: How can I mimic the connection like the softether (on the left) in order to setup openvpn (on the right)?
rogcontract's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot OpenVPN connection fail?

I'm using Fedora 38. I set up OpenVPN on AWS. I downloaded the OpenVPN client cert. When I try to connect it fails. I'm not sure how to move forward with diagnosing the problem. Basically, I try (as ...
d-cubed's user avatar
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How to connect to VPN server from a machine I'm remotely controling thanks to another VPN server?

So I have my router at home acting as a OpenVPN server. From anywhere I can connect to it to access my network. One of the elements in that network is a server where I host virtual machines for ...
BlueSialia's user avatar
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Networking: NAT two interfaces together on Windows

I have the following setup: Openvpn client (Linux) (Openvpn IP Openvpn client (Windows) (Openvpn IP Openvpn server (Linux) (Openvpn IP Now, both clients ...
twit's user avatar
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pfSense and OpenVPN client but traffic exits through the WAN interface

My goal is to have my internal network traffic go out to the internet through a VPN tunnel. I checked all previous questions but none of them had the same problem as I am facing, and none of the ...
Yogev Neumann's user avatar
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Resolving IP conflicts when connected to an OpenVPN server

I have a home network, which consists of multiple machines in the subnet. My friend also has a home network, which uses the subnet. If I connect to my home network using ...
Ozbekov's user avatar
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Isolate Open VPN Connection to User in Windows 11

I am connecting to an Open VPN server and want that connection to only apply to the user who has initiated it, no one else who may be concurrently logged in. I am happy to use OpenVPN GUI, or ...
Jesse Yishai's user avatar

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